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Question by Daisy: Why is it that many don’t believe that you have great faith in Jesus and still want to study metaphysics?
I find that most people scoff at me when I say I have a great relationship with Jesus, but I study metaphysics. I believe in God, Jesus, and the Holy spirit. I also believe that God can and does communicate with us through spirits and apparitions. I have great faith in prayer, and also in meditation. However, it seems to me that the two are just not allowed to coincide. Why is that?

Best answer:

Answer by WooWoo EAC
Because people are quick to fault someone else’s woo woo magic but not so quick to fault their own.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

2 Responses to Q&A: Why is it that many don’t believe that you have great faith in Jesus and still want to study metaphysics?

  • Courage says:

    It’s a prejudice that if you are involved in science then you can’t be religious. After all, the two are pushed as being exclusive. They’re not. But some people see them as exclusive.

  • tuisson says:

    Don’t let other peoples’ ignorance stop you. There is no reason why you cannot follow both Jesus and metaphysics.

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