by AnnaEA
MODE of Cosmic Therapy’s “Goodness”
“Why are you so angry with me? What favor have I done for you, lately?” In a continual series of reflected distortions, your words, thoughts and actions condemn you. Everything you do or say is fragmentally reflected serving to severe your head by/through the webbous strings attached in actions offered by you, beguilingly. It matters not whether you are consciously aware of your motivating reasons for asking or receiving ‘favors’, the outcome is the same. You are not separate from the people and events that surround you and when you solicit help, advice, ‘special favoring’ of any sort, you will be compensated in bitter return. Placing people or situations on a pedestal, in order to benefit from either of them, will cause undulating waves of resentment and remorse. Never hold another in higher regard than yourself. It is false flattery of the worst kind!
“Halt! Who goes there; Stranger, friend or Foe?” It depends upon how you plan to use them! You never have been more conscious of your actions than in the moment you meet someone. “What do you do?’ {Usually among the first few questions.} What does it matter? Unless you are subconsciously slotting him into a space for further reference or entitlement, it really doesn’t matter if he’s a window washer or the president of IBM. The fact that you solicit a response indicates you are working to further your project IF that be possible. In order to retain any smidgen of integrity or honor, do not ask favors of anyone. When you ask for a favor or receive one, the placement is an unnatural, uncomely and unredeemable position for the both of you. No man is above you or below you in any sense of the word. When approaching or