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Take yer rose-tinted glasses off!!!!
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25 Responses to Pagan Stereotypes

  • TheShoeWhisperer says:

    @MegaJade1992 A Pagan is not one religious belief, pagan is an umbrella term for many different religions and also for people who follow no religion, such as atheists. Atheists dont believe in religion what so ever, im sure at some point in the world right now there are many pagans sacrificing animals and mistreating them. Pagan doesnt mean wiccan. You cant group all pagans together and claim they believe and worship the same things, it doesnt work that way. xx

  • rsoxfan1123 says:

    Excellent point. I think that the people bashing on this video miss your point entirely which seems to me to be not to romanticize paganism into a peace loving hippie type of panacea. It had its good and bad points like all religions and we need to learn from our mistakes.

  • princessannikki says:

    @Bramble1976 those “witches” that were persecuted were actually fellow Christians. And by reminding everyone that pagans have their fair share of brutality is not to say that Abrahamic religions are not equally brutal. Christianity continued many old pagan rituals because people simply refused to give them up, so if you can’t beat em join em.

  • Bramble1976 says:

    Interesting vid……I see you failed to mention the Witch Trials and the fact that many many innocent woman, men AND children were brutally murdered/tortured to death….by so called Christians/*Abrahamic* (unless you mentioned that in a previous vid?) I mean..if we are talking about human sacrifice and all that. If Pagans were so hated/distrusted then please explain why so many of OUR holy days/sabbats were taken over by the ‘new religion* And that IS fact.

  • princessannikki says:

    @MegaJade1992 I’m not sure what your definition of pagans is? The dictionary says a pagan is anyone who does not belong to an Abrahamic religion. And I am sorry to break it to you but there are many non-Abrahamic religions that practice animal sacrifice today.

  • MegaJade1992 says:

    @princessannikki look u mite not agree with me but use pagans have done alot in our past but then look at the christians look at the other relgions they also did ritarul sacrfice i dont care what others think or belive in but i respect the earth so do most of use full stop end of we dont do animale sacrafice or human scarfice anymore there is no need plus there is not a true spell that works with blood that is used

  • ilovejulie97 says:

    i agree i am a neo pagan /wiccan and some rituals we do give offerings to our gods and we also say a prayer to thank the offering ther are so many mths and people say this and that i was born pagan infact im 3rd generation we are loveing and kind people being a whitch is something im very proud of i was tormented all threw school becouse of who my family was i served in the iraq war and its funny people say pagans dont beleave in war lol thor was a viking princessannikki made a good point.

  • earthbowl says:

    excellent points

  • princessannikki says:

    @MegaJade1992 < classic case lol this must be a joke?

  • sirenstarsong says:

    Big kisses Annikka. Love your take on these common views of “Pagans”. I think in general, that the hippie version is what is envisioned here in the states. That cracks me up quite frankly. Err,,,cute nails!

  • UnyieldingDefiance says:

    @avalonaviir Wiccans are new agers anyway, not pagans. A pagan is someone who follows a pre Christian religion, which can be anything from Norse Paganism to Shintoism and even Hinduism. Wicca is a mish mash of religions and astrology and universalist/globalist crap, its a much more dangerous philosophy than it seems.

  • UnyieldingDefiance says:

    A lot of people don’t realise aswell, that Halal and Kosher slaughter is basically a form of ritual animal sacrifice. Every culture has had some form of ritual when slaughtering animals.

  • avalonaviir says:

    I’ve noticed that most pagans I meet and have spoken to are tree hugging hippies. Well the again most of them where neo-wiccans so we all know what those fluffies are like.

  • MegaJade1992 says:

    pagans dont slutter animals as there is no true spell that well work pagans worship the earth and we work with one with the earth those that slutter animals are not pagans or worth calling pagans plus we dont do human scarafice yes we did in the past as a scarfice when we didnt relise why our crops failed then we thouht our gods and goddess were angree but know we dont but then so did every one else if you think about it that was then this is know stop tryin to make thing look bad

  • nhprman says:

    What a wonderful video! Absolutely true! Many new age pagans seem to totally ignore their ancient past and DEFINITELY sugarcoat history. Here in America, people tend to do that with the American Indians/Native Americans. As if they never made war on each other before the Europeans came! Ha! Again, great history lesson – badly needed, I’m afraid.

  • dramaking2188 says:

    Another great one. I think we have to realize that everything grows and evolves, and shouldn’t be upset when we hear that Pagans have killed and sacrificed, it doesn’t mean ever person of that Pagan faith killed but it was in their culture. And like in one of your previous vids, some of the Pagans were very respectful when killing the animals. We can learn and grow from the Pagans of the past, we just should that the mad with the wonderful. Well great job 🙂

    Blessed Be, and Peace.

  • MagickSinger says:

    Thank you & well spoken. I’ve been Wiccan 28 years & I’m so happy to see young people speaking up & keeping it real.All cultures, including the Abrahamic, have sacrificed humans to their Gods.In Saudia Arabia there is a case where a Muslim astrologer was to be beheaded in the name of Allah on charges of Witchcraft. He currently has a temporary stay of execution.

  • princessannikki says:

    @sagewiccan thanks!!!! n_n

  • princessannikki says:

    @Nichibeicafe Thank you! I dont tend to use DA anymore but you can see more of my work at 🙂

  • princessannikki says:

    @xoanwahn that’s true!

  • xoanwahn says:

    Right on! Not only did pagans sacrifice animals in larger community rituals, but most pagans lived in fairly rural communities or were farmers by necessity, and so would have sacrificed animals regularly every time they needed to eat! Every action had something or other to do with the spirit world back then. I would say we are more barbaric in the way that we slaughter animals for food now. There’s no longer a sense of gratitude for what the animal gives to us.

  • Soaring9Dragon says:

    The term pagan I prefer to not use however I comprehend that some literature uses the term as I advise not. The term we can perceive tossed about as if those authoring the literature comprehend the perceived importance of the word not. Why not write each “religious-text” as if any moment the Morrigan can be called upon?
    I prefer we label the tradition not the person. Slan go foill!

  • PhoenixRayneweaver says:

    any pagan that participates in bloodletting rituals is performing a form of human sacrifice. You are sacrificing human blood…lifes blood…why cant people understand that it isn’t litteral anymore. And most of the pagans that stick by the harm none rule would throw out the harm none rule if they were stuck without food and there was a deer nearbye

  • Nichibeicafe says:

    Hi Annika, I was browsing though deviant art and I saw something familiar. Loll and behold, Annika Garret, my favorite YouTube show also has a Deviant Art account. It was a pleasant surprise to go and look through your work.

  • sagewiccan says:

    great video, ur hair’s really nice by the way 🙂

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