time was manipulated by the Source (highest demon). The remaining witches grew skeptical about their destiny and found themselves on the verge of breaking point. Good thing is, the power of three was reconstituted with the advent of their half-sister Paige. Paige Matthews, was the daughter of Paricia Halliwell, the Charmed Trio’s mother. However, Piper, the closest to Prue, gave Paige a hard time because she did not let go of Prue’s memory. With her grief and anxiety attacks, she became a creature called “Fury”, a curse that almost made her destroy her own sister. In the end, she did managed to bring her emotions across to the right place – Prue’s grave.
Even though blessed with wiccan powers, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige, constantly struggled with different emotions that no spell can totally dispel. But the good things is, as always perceived in the TV series – their most trusted power over mind boggling trivialities and blood thirsty enemies are not their wiccan gifts. Their answer is their sisterly bond — which also became their best anxiety relief. Sisterhood, not their inherent powers, was their best anxiety relief and power against all that the underworld can hurl at them. In the end, after years of wiccan supremacy, the Charmed Ones managed to keep their family legacy, which was written in their book, The Book of Shadows.
So, let’s take it from the Charmed Ones – family ties, not any magic, is the best cure for any anxiety.
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