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away or sell it if we choose to do so or destroy it should this be our desire. This the case with a real gift, however if we are given a book and told that this is a book which we have to read every day, learn by heart and can not give away, sell or damage in anyway with the threat of punishment if we do; then this book is no longer a gift but an unfair obligation.


It is this logic, which I am aware some may even find as absurd which has led me to believe that if life does indeed come from God, it should be no means be considered a gift, of any kind but an obligation, unfairly passed on to us. This being the case since God never asked us or even our ancestors, whom he is said to have created if we wanted this so called gift of life or would accept it under the conditions he was giving it to us. These conditions being the ones that dictate that we have to live by his rules, following his will alone and for the most part living our lives exclusively for him with nothing but him in mind, where failure to do so will lead to castigation from his part. I ask myself is this really the sort of gift I would want to receive, to which I reply in the negative in the most determined way as I feel a gift, if handed  with noble intentions holds not conditions, not even that the person or group of people who receive enjoy it. This being the case for they may choose simply to throw it away but even this God forbids; for doing so is considered a sin, which carries tremendous punishment which if one thinks over the matter with logic bares none. For at the end; is it not like throwing away what one never asked for in the first place but was given and if life is a gift in reality then should we; those who receive not have the right to use it as we

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