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A Happy Pocket Full of Money Book Review

There’s no denying that this inspirational book has had a profound influence on my personal development growth.   It really is at the core of my success in making the positive shifts in my thinking and in achieving happiness.

The book is called, A Happy Pocket Full Of Money and it’s written by David Cameron Gikandi.

The actual subtitle of the book is:  “Your Quantum Leap Into The Understanding, Having And Enjoying Of Immense Wealth And Happiness.”

It explains the very real relationship between science and spirituality in the most uncomplicated way. It’s the kind of inspirational book about why we are here that you always wish existed but thought it never did.

I believe that these teachings have been out there in one form or another since humanity began, many of which are referenced in the book, but you don’t really find them until you are seeking them.

Of course when you first start reading, this kind of profound information can be hard to process right away. That’s why the author cautions readers to just read it through one time even if some of it doesn’t make sense. Just keep going because further chapters will make clear some things that you may not have understood in earlier chapters.

That was definitely my experience. There were plenty of “a-ha” and lightbulb moments throughout.

With some of the chapters, I would read them and my head would unconsciously be nodding in agreement and I’d catch a small smile coming over my face. It was coming from a “knowing” deep inside that this

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