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DHAR –“On this bright and auspicious day You came into the world to guide and show the way 0 Holy Mother, endless fount of grace, Your blessings flow in countless ways… Your promise given in years gone by Holds true today, as at that time, That those that call you Mother, At your feet will always find A shelter everlasting for all time…”  

KIRAN DHAR –“Your message eternal, flows gently forth, “No one is a stranger, my child, The whole world is yours. If you want peace of your mind With others do not find fault. Whenever in distress remember me And say to yourself I have a Mother. To those who have come to me And to those who will come in the future, To all my children, give them my love And let them know That my blessings with them forever are”. This, your message timeless i hold fast in my heart As I on Life’s perilous journey embark.”     

KIRK DOUGLAS –“When you become a star; you don’t change- everyone else does.”

KIRORI SINGH BHAISALA –“We got what we wanted… I also apologise to the nation for the hardship that people suffered.”

KIRSTI A DYER –“Like the mighty phoenix, Once again I rise from the flames set to destroy me and take flight. I am Stronger Glorious Powerful Victorious.”   

KIRSTIE ALLEY –“There’s a lot more to life than how fat or thin you are.”      

KISHORE ASTHANA –“Complete in my Self, fully free/ I am all that I can see/1 am That all the time/ I am its prose, I am its rhyme. Not for me pilgrimages galore/ Or visits to seers, door to door Wherever I look, there I am/ My holy land is where I

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