you will see, I taught you well because I care. I The next few years will so quickly fly. With laughter and joy, mixed with a few tears to cry As you begin your growth to womanhood, this fact you must know, You’ll always be my source of pride, no matter where you go. You must stand up tall and proud, within you feel no fear. For all you dreams and goals, sit before you very near. With God’s love in your heart and the world by its tail. You’ll always be my winner, and victory will prevail. For you this poem was I written, with help from I above, To tell you in a rhythm of your Mother’s heartfelt Love!”
KEIICHI MORISATA – Love is life. Everything that I understand I understand only because I love.”
KEITH BELLOWS –“There are some parts of the world that, once visited, get into your heart and won’t go. For me, India is such a place… I had been seeing the world in black and white and, when brought face-to-face with India, experienced everything re-rendered in brilliant Technicolor.”
KEITH HENSON –“Nanotechnology will give us vast wealth … it might also completely destroy us.”
KEITH RICHARDS & MICK JAGGER –“Just as every cop is a criminal/And all the sinners saints As head is tails, Just call me Lucifer/ ’cause I’m in need of some restraint.”
keith richards & nick jagger –“We all need someone we can bleed on/And if you want it, why don’t you bleed on me.”
KEITH RICHARDS– “If you are going to kick authority in the teeth, you might as well use two feet.”
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