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were trying to solve.

Everyday big bill earned now only spelled a bigger sentence. My mode of operation was unique. I was a pioneer. I only did things people would never do because they were too risky and the necessary precautions wouldn’t have been taken by victims because it would appear as though only a fool would risk such crimes.

Like instead of a bank with loads of security, breaking into a police station, no one would ever think of it but think of how much illegal substances could be found lying around, how many weapons would be at ones disposal. And to think all one has to do to get in would be to get arrested…but this one would never happen. I forgot I would then have to break out of the cell first to be able to get around.

Waking up now came with reluctance while hugging the sheets tight. It became just another journey into the sick world, another stressful rendezvous, another avenue to spend money. In the words of a famous comedian, “soon as you get out of bed you are spending”. You‘ve got to eat, take a bath, and now even breathing costs smokers-  some would even pay with their lives and it won’t be because they ran out of money.

My whole life became an ‘issue’ to be addressed. Of course I wasn’t praying for death. To me I was dead, praying for life. Nothing was as should be. I slept most of the day sometimes and came out at night time, with the foxes, crickets, owls and snakes. Moonlight was peaceful, peaceful and discrete. Though it left most of the brightness hidden, it also kept most of the darkness hidden. There was no good or evil in my eyes, just life, or death as it were. Everything was, in a way neutralised, just like my character. There were no peaks and troughs or if there were,

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