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that could ‘Blow’ my mind which I wasn’t sure was a good thing anymore. My brain was processing every single bit of information in the picture, everyone that was around me was fully scanned and assessed as well as classified and categorised and all unconsciously, as a result I hadn’t got much energy to focus on what was important, I was now moving into the unconscious realms of operation which in the afterlife would be ideal, but on earth a bit unusual especial for one who had been a control freak all his life. I knew all I had to do was let go and let everything fall into place but I was unaware if it was really the time when everything was supposed to fall into place, whether all the pieces where available and whether they would fall into the right place. It now became apparent that my strong belief had brought my dreams into consciousness and set my unconscious mind into action guiding me in the right direction or in ‘A’ direction which I slowly noticed was uncontrollable on my part no matter how hard I tried. I would set out for something of value and return with something else which was of value too though not the same; the reason for my uncertainty. Every goal I set out to achieve was never achieved but there were always results or consequences of my actions or a discovery leading to another venture. Everything was in fact falling into place on its own. I was in fact getting in the way of my unconscious mind most of the time. It now became a battle of the worlds, me against myself; conscious versus unconscious.

All my time was spent thinking of how I couldn’t be like other people, how I had to go against the grain just to maintain and how I would stand out from the crowd and be spotted a mile away which wasn’t ideal

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