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and all-comforting manner. I give thanks for the inspiration personally and for those inspired light-workers who rise to the call of planetary healing! We collectively motivate, rally, and physically, spiritually, and emotionally contribute to the miraculous and glorious return of our world to a state of natural balance, peace, harmony, and native majesty.

All things out of balance return to glory. All things misaligned with harmony now come into agreement and return to grace. All planetary changes misaligned with ease, flow, grace, glory and long-life on this planet cease and desist and in their place Love, Peace, and a Natural State of Vigor, Wellbeing, Beauty, and Wholeness is now courageously and peacefully established.

The potency of the Divine now directs our faith as we claim the Truth of our world to be affirmatively joyous and prosperous. All beings previously living in poverty are now delivered into wellness. All resources required for absolute health, healing, inspiration, motivation, and faith are now instantly delivered unto those who desire and those who seek. The resources, energy, food, water, and necessities to ascend to higher levels of prosperous living now descend upon them like the rain from a glorious cloud quenches the plains. They are relieved and experience unbound joy and exuberance; satisfaction, security, peace, a satiated appetite and hope. This hope moves them forward graciously as they find themselves inspired and committed to rising beyond their past and spreading the experience.

Love reigns supreme on our planet, now. I give thanks for this Truth and I revel in delight! The ramifications of Love know no boundaries and our natural state of exalted existence is

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