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purely returned, globally. All war miraculously and inexplicably comes to an immediate and comfortable close in a manner that is aligned with the greatest potential for swift recovery and a return to love, wellness, beauty and joy.

I choose to resolve in my heart all doubts, fears, feelings of separation and ask for, and give thanks for the instant and immediate, miraculous health and wellbeing of all those I love and all those who my life touches. I choose to know to the core of my being that the work I do matters, is making a difference and is therefore not only necessary, but critically important and worthy of my time and attention. If this is true for me, then it is true for all beings who read these words and for all beings who are marching together on this spiritual quest for planetary interdependence!

I give thanks for the strength, energy, faith and resolve to do my part, to see for our planet what others may not see – absolute health, wellness, peace, prosperity and joy are now established! And, I am gloriously, exuberantly and unrelentingly thankful for this Truth! Thank you Spirit, Thank you! How wonderful, how wonderful, all things are perfect exactly as they are!

I am so grateful to now know that miracles are the order of the day, that our planet has returned to its natural state of self-regulating ease and comfort, that the light-workers are collectively inspired to take aligned physical, spiritual, and mental action in the everyday creation of miracles. I give thanks for this planetary healing and it is done. So be it. I let it go! Amen.

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