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A New Paradigm Shift With Vision : The Economy, Business, Our Resources And Stakeholders

In review of President Ernest B Koroma`s tenure his goal, mission and vision has been dynamic without reservations or any prejudices advancing the change concept which has been essentially embraced by the greater majority as a collective initiative for a common destiny is mainstream. He continues to make tremendous improvements within two years in office walking the talk so far so good, with results better uplifting the country with a new sign of hope from the lowest ebb and doldrums it was before his election to office.

He may have suffered setbacks by force majeure, but greatly due to the selfishness of partisan politics, deceptions by so called friends parading his corridors for personal gains and emoluments, foes and opponents both inside the country and outside in the Diasporas making situation difficult for his leadership, as it has become the order of our body politics in rivalry, which he continues to contain and judge prudently with temperance directing him and justice being his guide. Notwithstanding such adversity he continues to exploit his vision in meeting his obligations by statements of pledges made before his presidency. In this light, we must all be committed as sierra Leoneans for the general welfare and well being of our country to embrace his agendas for change as the way forward and better option with collaborative efforts for success in general. Likewise we must also revisit other good ideas and initiatives for deliberations with stake holders and partners since no one person has a monopoly to knowledge.   By such gesture in bridging the gap with tolerance, we can guide our nation out of the self inflicted perpetual poverty, miseries, complacency, mediocrity with evil intents. A

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