opportunities and openings to the large army of unemployed youths both educated and many other who are not. By this strategy we can build vocational training formulas to develop skilled labour force. If the Government because of financial constraints cannot get these factories running again, it should target and invite private investors to form partnerships rather than going for outright sales to infrastructure which at the end would have to be developed all over again. If past governments had recognized the legacy and purpose for building assets and infrastructures as a viable investment for the future, things would have been better managed than they are today. This is one of the many ways the Youths of the country can be empowered with a clear foundation convincingly to join government in building a joint venture future as stake holders and partners relying on the fortunes of the country and the wise channelling or its assets rather than been boisterous, rebellious and recalcitrant being used as political tools seasonally when it comes to electioneering. The youth must be groomed as stakeholders not pawns in a political chess game and as foot soldiers. In this light Sierra Leone will be focusing on being the prime supplier/distributer of manufactured goods to other African countries. Our objective should be aspiring to reduce import for consumption and looking at local production for export and domestic consumptions.
The time is now ripe to implement these plans with the assistance of finding strategic partners who will teach us to fish and process it within our shores rather than always going for the easy option of a bowl in the hand for alms from donors and aid providers which takes away our integrity and capacity to be self