A New Way Of Being Creative With Your Images
Photact (www.photact.com) is a new way of becoming creative with all your images without being tied to any high cost printing service. The photact software is available for free and is a very small download from the website. A standard broadband connection will download everything you need to get started in approximately 20 seconds! The photact system includes fully functional Photo Book Building, Digital Scrapbooking, Calendar Builders, Digital Framers, Photo Montage and Photo Mosaic systems. You can play with the system as much as you like and build as many products as you like at no cost. You can also view those products and show them to your friends as many times as you like.
The system is very easy to use and anyone can be creating exciting products within minutes of installing the software. If you have any problems using the system, there are demonstration videos available on the Photact website that take you through each product in the system in a series of easy to follow steps.
The system runs on your own computer and there is no need to waste hours uploading images to a server on the internet or to someone else’s website. Any image on your computer can be used in the Photact system immediately. You retain full control of all your images as well and know that they are not being held anywhere on the internet where they can be found and used by other people. Your private images and memories remain totally private and under your control.
The only cost you will be asked to pay is a very low ‘release fee’ if you want to get the product in a format that you can print. Once you have the product in this format you can print it yourself on your own printer, or take it to any low cost