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printer and get them to print it for you.  Unlike other systems available, you are not tied to printing your products with one printer who then charges exorbitant printing fees for a low quality print product.

Digital Scrapbooking is a complete scrapbooking system that allows you to create pages at any size, then position, size and edit your images on the page.  It includes a large number of image effects and an unlimited number of images and text blocks on a page.  The system can create effects like drop shadows, soft edging etc and can even manage layering and transparency.  The text capability can utilize any font you have installed on your computer.

The Photo Book Builder has all the capabilities of the Digital Scrapbooking on every page of the book.  It also has the capability to build a whole book for you at the press of a single button.

The Calendar builder can create a wide range of Calendar styles and can build calendars starting at any month and going for anything from 6 to 24 months.  The calendars can be single sided or double sided, and they can range in size from small desktop ‘flip calendars’ to large wall calendars.  You can put one photo on each page or select as many as you like and the system will create a montage on each page.  The calendar pages can be simple with a coloured background to the pages, or you can choose one of your own images as the background.  The system can also produce front and back covers for the calendars.

The Photo Montage system allows you to create large pages made up of many images.  The system gives you a wide range of formatting

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