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A Prolegomenon to Reading Tarot Cards

The statement of tarot cards started around the 15th century, a century after cards were introduced in Europe beginning with the rising settlements in Italy. The evolution of Tarot as we know it nowadays has a array of stories and legends. The mystical superb of tarot cards intrigues historians, scholars and spiritualists. Tarot cards were key used as game allotments like regular decks, different from what we think of tarot cards now, although a reference to Tarot as a set of devil cards was made in 1450. The grounding of tarot cards started in Egypt, which is the same civilization that championed astrology.

Tarot cards are separated into five divisions: The Major Arcana, The Suit of Wands, The Suit of Coins, The Suit of Cups, and the Suit of Swords. Each card in The Major Arcana has an equivalent face card for every following suit.

The suits themselves have divisions as well. Their interpretations and worth are determined by their statuses as Oudlers/Trulls, Kings, Queens, Cavaliers, Jacks, and Others. Oudlers generally have the same point and value as Kings, while the rest from Queens to Jacks are worth one point less than their predecessors.

More than the value of cards, the English-speaking world gives significantly more value to the interpretations of the cards.

Every card has a unlike meaning, depending upon what the card?s suit is, and if it is integral of the Minor or Major Arcana. Every one of of the Tarot cards are numbered, so each card serves a reader with a specific numerological value which may be interpreted midst divination practices. Furthermore, the meanings of the cards evolve depending upon where the cards appear in a reading, as well as what

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