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Swords, Cups, and Pentacles.

Each card involved in a tarot reading represents some aspect of a person’s life. Interpretations or the meanings of the reading depend upon the cards represented. The representation of the cards in the reading depend upon their layout. The layout of the cards refer to specific areas of life. Examples of an area of life include romantic relationships, family life, careers, and education. People who seek Tarot readings have a desire to understand the unknown. They seek to uncover the revelations regarding their past, present situations, and especially their futures. People place a lot of luck into the outcomes of Tarot readings. To them it is much more than a game, it holds the key to success or failure.

At times people will let their imaginations soar when it comes to interpreting the meaning in a Tarot reading. The layout of the cards is equally as important as the cards themselves. Placement of the cards in a spread allows people to create stories in their mind. With this storytelling they can uncover images that their subconscious is hiding. In order to aid their personal storytelling, people try to find meaning to the energy radiate from every card. The pictures on the card, and the colors enhance a person’s senses. These two factors significantly assist one in their spiritual journey and quest for answers.

Since Tarot readings provided these people with a glimpse into the future it is important to find the correct deck and layout that speaks to you. If readings are like a looking glass allowing tapered views of what is to come, make sure to find the best placements and positions for the cards in your deck in order to start your journey.

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