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Question by Seeker: A question for experienced Tarot users?
I am wonderering what deck works best for you and why.

Heres why Im asking:
I was using the Rider-Waite deck for 4 years and I never got an acurrate reading. I think it was because I didn’t like the symbolism. I just bought The Celtic Dragon Tarot deck and did my first reading yesterday. It was so accurate that I nearly freaked out as the day progressed! I feel like it is the deck for me.

I want to know what deck you use, how acurate it is, and your feelings about it. This is out of pure curiosity.

NOTE: Please don’t leave rude comments! Thank you for respecting my beliefs!
RESPECT PLEASE! I knew the first answer to this question would be hateful!
Yes, I think the symbolism needs to trigger your psychic powers. It should also go along with your beliefs. I didn’t like the devil card especially since I don’t believe in him.
They didn’t tell me exactly what I wanted to hear. I was a little frightened at first and I did the reading again and got the same results!
I had actually considered buying Gilded Tarot. The deck is really pretty!
The deck and I have definately “bonded”. I think that dragons might actually be communicating to me through them since I am starting to practice dragon magick.
I always try to cleanse them before a reading. I never know whether a friend or family member has been touching them. I drew a pentacle on the box I keep it in for further protection.

Best answer:

Answer by Shake_dat_moneymaker
The deck that works the best is NO DECK!

Those things will get you in alot of trouble!

You better acknowledge what you are doing is WRONG!
And run away from that, and seek GOD ALMIGHTY!

It is in God only that you will find hope and peace!

Add your own answer in the comments!

21 Responses to A question for experienced Tarot users?

  • steelypen says:

    I think it is a personal choice. i have the Rider Waite deck, and I love it. I rarely play with it anymore, but the symbolism is easier for me. Also, I was given a deck of some sort of moon goddess cards, and I had trouble. I think the symbols have to match your brain!

  • Omode Osun says:

    I never used the tarot cards. I had no idea that they actually give you a precise reading. I think that you should stick with the new one. If you are getting a precise reading then user that. I also hope that you are not getting a favourable reading because the cards told you what you wanted to hear.
    When i want to know something, i just use my Obi seed.

  • jasmine m says:

    I use a variety of decks but my current favorite is The Gilded Tarot. It’s so beautiful.

  • missportal says:

    The best readings are from a deck that resonates well with you. I used the Rider-Waite deck once and hated it immediatly, so I never used it again. You will know which one is right from you by looking at them, they will just “feel” right to you. And make sure to connect with them before beginning readings, so that your energies vibe together, for best results!

  • Allison says:

    i think the deck that works best with the reader is one that you can truely connect with. i personally have the aquarius deck which i dont mind, but i would like to get another one as well. i’ve been practicing tarot for about 5 years now so it’s about time! i recommend the thoth deck if you’re seeking for a more challenging deck. it’s for more advanced readers. the rider-waite deck is so overused! it’s your basic beginners tarot, has poor illustrations, and is really hard to get a good energy from! congradulations on finding a deck that read you well. remember to season it after every reading, and to keep it out of others hands!! people are so curious about my deck and some of my other tools suck as my runes, jewlery, amulets, and so on…that they touch them without my knowledge or permission thus putting their energy into them! the worst thing is taking the time to do a spread only to read a completly inaccurate reading about yourself, then later finding out your roommate was playing with them.
    -blessed be

  • ? Lisa says:

    I have the Rider-Waite deck. My son bought it for me, in keeping with the idea that you should never buy a deck of tarot cards for yourself. It’s a beautiful deck, all pastel colors on the backings, and I found a nice piece of matching cloth to keep it in, and then another to wrap it in. It is kept very well, and works beautifully.

  • lothespiritalker says:

    I have used the Rider Waite for years with astounding success. But a lot of reading the cards comes from within ones self. I have tried another deck also with good results. I learned with the Rider Waite but have found other decks to be quite lovely. If one is at harmony with the scenes they will be more in tune with the answers given.

    As for the Devil card. I don’t always feel it represents the personage of Lucifer. I feel it means that things are in a bad state at the time of the reading. I have a knack of being able to not only read the cards but have been given the gift of being able to tell people how to overcome the difficulties I see in the reading. One must remember that our fate is in our actions, not the cards. We can change the way we do things and in so doing, change the outcome.

    Yes, I DO believe in God and love him with all my heart and soul. So for you people who condemn those who don’t believe or practice what you feel is the only way, tell it to God. He will be the judge.

  • halfwolfie says:

    The cards are just tools – whatever resonates with you will work.

    For myself, I use the Robin Wood tarot deck as my working deck for clients. I met Robin, and she is a lovely person, which is also reflected in her artwork. Chances are, if you feel comfortable with the deck and enjoy the artwork, you will like the person who created them – I can say this as a professional artist as well as a reader.

    The Rider-Waite deck didn’t work for me either – I couldn’t connect with the images.

    The symbols are what matter in a deck – since symbols themselves hold power and allow the universe and/or spirit to communicate through them.

    A little bit of extra advice – make sure when you consecrate your deck you specifically instruct it to do what you wish – no one else is in charge but you. This will also allow you to let someone else handle a deck without affecting the reading’s outcome – which can be important if you read professionally.

    Good luck, and blessings )O(

  • immappam says:

    I use the Morgan-Greer deck and usually a Celtic Cross deal for personal readings. This is involved and takes more time.
    Part of the reason you were having a problem was because you didn’t accept the deck. You have to be accepting and if you used it for that long even though you were not accepting of it, you would not get anything but play.
    If you are happy with the deck you have now, naturally your reads will become more acurate. But you need to be careful not to read for yourself and then fulfill your own read. This happens to many who do not have others that they can check their accuracy with. Subconsious fulfillment happens because of the desire to succeed. You are not doing it on purpose. You might test the cards by doing a clearing of your spirit, a card read for a friend, write it down and ask later to see how acurate it was.
    Remember that not every reading will be a winner. Sometimes there are indecisions and the cards can show an outcome if no circumstances change.

  • octoberfallingleaves says:

    I agree with some of the other answers, I think it really does just depend on which deck feels right for you. I use the 1jj Swiss in french. It’s an older deck that was owned by my grandmother. I would love for you to give me a reading contact me at
    Blessed Be and happy reading!

  • RHCCBonnie says:

    The ONLY way to buy your own deck is to Go Shopping!
    Put your hand on the decks, and the right one will speak to you. You will know.
    My second piece of advice to you is learn to trust your instincts. Half of Tarot reading is learning the mechanics of the deck, the other half is reading the energy of your client. If you are learning, read anyone who will sit still long enough – and do not be afraid to consult the book that came with your deck. Even teachers use an encyclopedia sometimes, right?

    Divination comes from reading the energy and learning to trust your own instincts. The more you read, the more confident you will become about what you see in the cards. Do not second guess your first instinct.

    Brightest Blessings, young one.

  • madarua51561 says:

    Hi Wiccan Teen. I am also Wiccan.
    I use a Celtic style tarot deck. Which deck someone uses isn’t as important as why. You have the answer right there in front of you. You use the deck that “speaks” to you. I used to work in a Pagan bookstore and some people would go through a dozen decks to find one that worked for them. Or the symbolism quit talking to them. As we grow we change and what was true in the past is no longer true for us today.
    I keep my deck with me and have a piece of hematite and an old silver coin in the bad with it. If you are having trouble “connecting” with a certain card, sleep with it under your pillow.
    Blessed Be.

  • BlueManticore says:

    The deck I like to use whenever I do readings is The Shakespearian Tarot. I like it for it’s theme, artwork, and the quotations included on the cards.
    Basically, it’s a case of trial and error to find the right deck for you. All you can do is see if there is one that catches your attention for one reason or another and then try it out.
    Check out for a great site with reviews on hundreds of decks. You might find some help there for choosing the right one for you. Good luck.

  • Tirya says:

    I wish I could find my Ancestral Path deck, where each of the suits was drawn from a different Mythology (Wands – Egyptian; Cups – Arthurian; Swords – Japanese; Pentacles – Native American).

    Oddly enough, the deck I have been using and that has become the most comfortable for me is one of those $9.95 “decks with book” from Barnes & Noble, based on Rider-Waite. I dunno why, but it is just a good deck for me. =)

  • Rae says:

    I personally like the Medieval tarot, but only because I like colors. I ignore the meanings that come with the deck, and substitute my own for each card from what I get out of the evident symbols in each deck. The general overall image is the same, so it ends up not mattering what deck I use, each equivalent card means the same to me.

  • coorscowgirl101 says:

    me and my deck that i have had since i was 20 dont Mesh well but my mothers Rider-waite deck always have good readings my other deck is very confuseing i think its becuse i dont much care for the art work *was givein to me for my B day

  • angk says:

    My preferred decks are:

    The Universal Tarot by Maxwell Miller ( ). I like it because it draws symbolism from every world religion and every culture; as a folklorist who studies such things to begin with, the symbolism is very resonant with me and very easy to read. I’ve had the deck for about six-seven years and it’s still my favorite.

    The Thoth deck ( ). Designed by Aleister Crowley to match more accurately with several occult systems; here it appeals to me as an occultist, because again, the symbolism matches my studies.

  • violetblue418 says:

    The most accurate deck as far as symbolism goes is the Crowley Thoth deck.
    I like The Enchanted Tarot. I’ve had the deck for 10 years and it always tells the truth. I freaked out one of my school mates by telling her she was going to get a boyfriend and then discribing him, and she got one about a month later of the same discription…

  • psychic-junkie says:

    I like the Hanson Roberts deck, the Robin Wood Tarot and the Connolly Tarot Deck. I don’t like the darker cards like Crowley’s Thoth Tarot, but each to their own.

    I’m a professional psychic and a psychics’ coach offering lessons on developing psychic abilities. To learn how to develop psychic ability you first need to know how to relax your mind to alpha and then practice with your Tarot Cards.

    You can go straight my free develop-psychic-ability page here:

    And here is my quick step-by-step script for accessing your alpha state of mind. And you also will find a link for free download of an alpha entrainment MP3

    And here is a free download demo for a great Tarot program. To keep the size of the demo manageable it contains the Rider/Waite deck, the actual program will have 10 complete decks. This Demo version of Tarot is a full working copy for 30 days.

  • sixspdsxdrv says:

    I also use the Celtic Dragon Tarot. It has always worked for me. I get accurate readings for whoever I do readings for. I only use them when I can’t figure it out on my own though.

  • Nelly says:

    Well I have always used the Rider Waite deck because I like to symbolism and the art. I look to the the symbols on the card to interpret the meanings. I don’t look at what was written. For me it is all about the pictures. It has served me as accurate for many many many years and although I have a couple other decks this is my fav and the one I am best at. I am glad you found a deck that works for you. Congrats.

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