enough time to think about what it is you intend and how best to express it to the powers and energies who will be doing the work for you.
Whether you work the spell inside your house or outside, make sure that the area is clean of clutter and old, used things; for everything contains energy. If there are things used by other people around the area where we do our spell, that energy will affect the outcome of our spell. Also, if we use items used by other people, their energies will be part of our spell working. Depending on the items, it could help our cause or hurt it. Remember to consecrate all your tools and also bless them just before you use each of them.
Rose Ariadne has been practicing ancient forms of Witchcraft for over 25 years. Get more info about Wicca Books here: http://www.askroseariadne.com/editorials/quick_guide_to_casting_spells.html
Instructor and High Priestess Laurie Johnson outlines the third in her acclaimed series of sensible Wicca classes at The Psychic Eye’s Sherman Oaks location. (818) 906-8263
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