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all pay for… like an extra form of goods and sales tax, paid to a de facto shadow government operating behind (and sometimes in direct cahoots with) the official one.

Think about the difference between undertaking a new business or investment venture in a low-corruption Western country, like the United States, versus a high-corruption “frontier market” country, where the rule of law is still only vaguely formed.

In the more advanced Western country, you can rest in peace knowing that the laws will be upheld and everything is completely above board. Right?

Not quite. That bit about the United States being “low-corruption” was a touch of sarcasm. As the global financial crisis continues to unfold, one of the side effects could be the gradual disappearance of the brightly drawn dividing line between high-corruption and low-corruption nation states.

This reality will make following conventional, business as usual, “eyes wide shut” investment advice all the more dangerous in the years ahead… just as it would be dangerous to open an import-export business in some far-flung outpost without having a clear handle on the risks present.

Justice Litle is Editorial Director for Taipan Publishing Group. He is also a regular contributor to Taipan Daily, a free investing and trading e-letter, editor of Taipan’s Safe Haven Investor and Justice Litle’s Macro Trader.

This is my 3rd Replica. Hand made by me. Pages were create by me and the rest of the team at The tune is from Resident Evil by Marylin Manson

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