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Watch that all of you if you already havent. 1. Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence! 2. Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams! 3. Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit! 4. Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates! 5. Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek! 6. Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires! 7. Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his divine spiritual and intellectual development, has become the most vicious animal of all! 8. Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification! 9. Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years!
Video Rating: 2 / 5

25 Responses to A response to MagickalHummingbird and her LIES

  • JackTr1pper says:

    hate the cursing, love the boobies. Mmmm i bet they feel really good up close.

  • JackTr1pper says:

    @hatstalker WRONG! From wikipedia- …member of priestly and learned class active in Gaul, and perhaps in Celtic culture more generally, during the final centuries BCE. They were suppressed by the Roman government from the 1st century CE and disappeared from the written record by 2nd CE.

    Some of their practices included metempsychosis, and human sacrifice.

  • warmachineacc says:

    what’s the diferance of a wicca and a wicken?

  • cgray6306 says:

    People might take you seriously if you were not an arrogant little foul mouth.

  • cgray6306 says:

    Foul mouth.

  • TheWellofMimir says:

    Alot of what we have today in the Asatru community is based on wiccan and ceremonial ideas. Whether the Asatru community wants to believe it or not. I could make a video showing the evidence but I’m not sure it would even matter.

  • robthorn86 says:

    Golden Dawn is not a religion, by any means. Golden Dawn was a spiritual school.

  • wiskidder says:

    what do you know about life satanist??? you dont know what you’re talkin about do you satanist

  • hatstalker says:

    one more thing druidry is pre roman

  • hatstalker says:

    erm the druid thing pisses me off a little yanno kinda offended but i like your vids

  • SydneyBristow447 says:

    I personally don’t think it makes you look ignorant. IM not ignorant, and I myself get QUITE bitchy when my own religion is being attacked, insulted, or made fun of. Intolerance and ignorant bastards also bring out that dark side of me, heehee.

  • ArmchairOccultist says:

    Personal gnosis can get you quite far. hehe

  • Ayatron34 says:

    Lol if you spoke to my rationazi atheist brother…

  • BlueKyne says:

    lilvixenchica, thanks for sharing all that, even if this is aimed at someone called MagickalHummingbird!

    Nine facts about Satan I never knew, the ninth one makes a whole lot of sense! God and the devil are at odds and I guess we’re all in the middle of it and the church leaders are cashing in big! Do what thu willst, harm none; makes sense to me!

  • DyingInTheLight says:

    Right Gaia is Greek and her Roman equivalant is Terra

  • Ofrolvi says:

    if your a wiccan quit calling yourself pagan it gives the rest of us a bad name

  • PhilG95 says:

    lol who thinks that gaia is roman
    and if that person thinks wicca is ancient they rly need 2 pick up a book or browse the net or SOMETHING
    great vid

  • cgray6306 says:

    If your transitioning to hellenism that do not call yourself a wiccan. It gives the rest of us a bad name.

  • cgray6306 says:

    Like Im doing now.

  • lilvixenchica says:

    were? And if I havent said this I am transitioning into Hellenism. I follow the Wiccan Rede, but if someone is going to slander my religion and make it look stupid then I am going to say something. The Wiccan rede also says you shouldn’t associate with fools. Most people just take the last 8 words.

  • cgray6306 says:

    What kind of person has to use names and vulgar language to get a point across? An ignorant uneducated one. If you were so knowledgeable on wicca. You would preference in getting a point across goes against the rede. Do what ye will, and let it harm none.

  • lilvixenchica says:

    how does it make me look ignorant?

  • cgray6306 says:

    Thats good for you. It just makes you look ignorant.

  • lilvixenchica says:

    First of all I am between transitioning from Wicca to Hellenism. Secondly, when some decides to twist facts yeah I tend to become harsh. All the facts I stated in this video are true and correct. I just come across as a bitch.

    I dont deal with fluffy, one book wonders alright?

  • cgray6306 says:

    Vulgar. I love how christians only see these videos, of vulgar people who choose to attack others. You are a great representation of wiccans. That is if were are trying to present are selves as rude vulgar imbeciles.

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