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Eboka – Tabernanthe Iboga is one of the many spiritual natural occurring psychedelic plants out there with its unique properties, its powerful healing plant from Africa, which have been used for millennia by local people, shamans and animals. Its here to spread its messages to the world, the whole roots can be used to treat many addictions, sicknesses and to restore emotional spiritual balance, detoxifies the body, and to explore other levels of consciousness. Tabernanthe iboga – Eboka: “West african shrub, used as a stimulant and entheogen by the Bwiti cult. This entheogen is sacred to the syncretic Christian Bwiti cult of the Fang people of Gabon. It is also used at lower doses as a stimulant and aphrodisiac. Adherents to the cult believe use of eboka allows them to contact their ancestors. Initiation into the cult involves consuming large quantities of the drug (which in a few cases has lead to death), for the purposes of “breaking open the head” From “Medical Botany” by Walter H. Lewis: Among a dozen or so of the complex indole alkaloids derived from tryptamine and found in Tabernanthe iboga (Apocynacea) ibogaine is the most important hallucinogen, not only in iboga, but perhaps of all those species indigenous to to the African continent. Found in Gabon, the Republic of the Congo, a large area of Zaire,and also cultivated in west Africa beyond this natural range, iboga is an important element of life, not only for its hallucinogenic powers but also as an aphroidisiac

Starting Point, a lecture by Homaya Amar – Plato was the one saying that there was shape before all creation. We are living in a 3d world, moving in space and time lets go to have a glimpse of what is beyond all dimensions, where it all begins! Growing from the point (dot) into the flower of life, watching how the 1st and 2nd dimensions look like and the way that they transform themselves to become one of the basic elements which create our world Homaya Amar is a therapist, a spiritual teacher and a healer. Homaya specializes in ancient and powerful shamanic methods acquired in different corners of the world. In the course of a few years, she has been trained by spiritual teachers, master healers and shamans and has been initiated in the Curanderos lineage, an ancient line of Mexican healers.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

26 Responses to A spirit call for healing with Eboka – Tabernanthe Iboga plant

  • hybeerian says:

    Very well done, enjoyed the presentation. Live long and Prosper, seek knowledge, Blessed Be!!!

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