It was 4.00 in the morning, and I couldn’t sleep, so I decided to take a walk to a nearby lake. Had a strange feeling it was just something I had to do. Can’t really explain it, and I don’t feel the need to. Guess it was a pagan thing… It sure did made an impression. The music is from the soundtracks of ‘The Tribe’ and ‘Children of Dune’. I do not own the music in any way.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Theme Music by: Eden Will Burn www.myspace.com Become a Fan! www.facebook.com www.TristanPEJ.com ask questions, give criticism, feedback, death threats, whatever by commenting on this video, PMing me or any of the methods below TristanPEJ@gmail.com Twitter: TristanPEJ Voicemail: 206-337-2590
@thesingersofyore what the hell… I’m just going to ignore your comment, assuming your an idiot
i see that thesingerofyore has been removed with his hate message.good for us.
to the singerofyore,im glad that finally you pious people have to sit back and can do nothing about the fastest growing religion paganism and witchcraft.people want the real thing,not a bunch of lies.
What you are missing is that Pagans/Wiccans aren’t focused on the literal but instead the symbolic. Thunder is Symbolic of the power that some pagans believe belongs to Thor.
Its far more a religion of energy and symbolism.
hi mom?
Thank you for providing a scientific non Jesusy debunking of paganism! It’s greatly appreciated.
Christianity is a mutt religion which took many aspects of itself from other belief systems that are much older. Mesopotamian mythology, Buddhism, Hinduism, Greek & Roman gods. Gods like Mars, Buddha, Mithria, Apollo, etc, etc, all have practically the same story line, but much older.
Why there is no God or Jesus-Part 1
Why there is no God or Jesus-Part 2
Why there is no God or Jesus-Part 3
Poor brain washed people believe anything with research.
wiccans and pagans are both in the line of devil worshipers there devil worshipers satanist what ever you want to call hate all devil worshipers who are wiccans and pagans for they bring curse upon the land tooo bad we cant go back to the good old days and just have them all hanged bastards witches bastards.
Are you judging us on what you know or what you hear?
its just fun for some I guess. Everyone wants to entertain people at some point. And we usually use wht we know most to entertain our friends some talk about science some fairys but its all just about having a good time I think. If it wasn’t fun would they still do it?
I like your vid, I am a scientist.
But we pagans, don’t think literal all the time. We believe in an energy, representing by the god and godess. As I said, it is an energy, not some guy that sits on the Olympus.
Elves could existed or be existing. We just see light with a wavelenght between 400 and 700 nm, so maybe we can’t see them.
Anyway, talk with pagans and they will answer your question.
Blessed Be
Dallan (Celtic witch)
Dear Friend,
For the Norse religion (Asatru), all you have to do is look to Iceland! They have, by their own parliament, overthrown Christianity, and brought forward the religion of those that founded them, the Vikings! For we who are witches, but not Wiccans, let’s talk, ok? Hell, bring the coffee, and we’re good, for a while!
Yeah, that’s pretty much how I feel about it. As a teenager, I was very into looking at the old religions, and found it helpful as just that- reconnecting with ancestry. It’s not something to be used as a substitute for understanding how the world works, but meditation can be beneficial to your health and it makes more sense for me to have a party to celebrate the seasons and real phenomena in our universe
than a murdered Jewish man’s birthday.
Pagans do not view their gods as literal. Instead we worship them to honor the concepts they represent, reconnect with our ancestors, and have a spiritually fulfilling life without the abusive and corrupt dogma of Judeo-Christianity. We believe in science and do not see why spirituality and science cannot exist together.
Describe Christians killing anyone who disagrees with them. Do you feel your life is a threat, or that his is something from the past?
Describe cultural inbreeding crap.
Mental gymnastics, I agree with that statement..
Wiccans, I would guess that the draw would be power. If there is any kind of true manifestation of metaphysics the back story will be far less important.
Do you believe in any form of magic, and/or ghosts? My place become haunted one from a 3rd Party practice
the neo-nordic religion is called “asatru”. It’s all bullshit, though. healthyaddict used to be into asatru
That’s why Pie is so significant to me.
So I made it a God.
And may it’s Tasty Gravy warm your path. ^_^
I’ve noticed Nazis love Norse and Celtic Gods, yet they preach Christianity to get more supporters. lol
to paraphrase The Satanic Bible, choose a god useful to you. They can be useful as a mental tool.
Thats where I get my “religion” from. I will think of a god applicable to my situation and try to use it to inspire me.