This is some fucking great stuff, formed in FINLAND, but nowdays i think all members are from U.S.A? If you like this, try also great old Finnish death metal band “DEMILICH”, singer is greatest in that band, sounds like this guy in ACID WITCH. Hails from Finland for all of you metal fuckers!!!
Singer is from Finland in this album.
This is some fucking great stuff, formed in FINLAND, but nowdays i think all members are from U.S.A? If you like this, try also great old Finnish death metal band “DEMILICH”, singer is greatest in that band, sounds like this guy in ACID WITCH. Hails from Finland for all of you metal fuckers!!!
Hell Yeah!
i pissed out shit while hearing this song
@PrestonWarfield omfg YES
awesome grunting
original hahahahhaha, sounds like the typical stoner bullshit to me?????
@kornisgay12345 Irony?
hmmm… intresting, you dont hear this every day, i think acid witch earned another fan
Tone reminds me of Entombed.
Support Michigan and pot!
@theSatanicStoner I can say the same for a whole bunch of different bands, music, etc. YouTube is my time machine.
@Likeyoucare Mental state or geographical location?
Hell yeah!
This band is from the same state as me.
One of my favorite bands of all time!
@kornisgay12345 Right on! This band is actually fun to listen to, unpredictable, fresh – metal does not have to color within rigid lines.
I like the cover
xD yeahhhhhhh
@free69r i would like to see you come up with a logical explanation to why i am a retard. if not, then mind your own buisness idiot
@kornisgay12345 check out raptor meat they are like doom and dance. thats what theyre album is called too.
@kushix1 ahahh your stupid