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* Adolf Hitlers Name & Birth With Tarot Cards & Numerology * This is not a Psychic Reading`, It is to show the public how Tarot Cards, and The Power of Numerology can go together, And it will tell you what Celebrities strengths and weaknesses are. Your Birthdate and one tarot card can say a lot. (Example: Adolf Hitler- Birthdate: 4/+20/+1889 =32=5 Tarot Card:5 The Pope,) This one card will tell you a lot about- Adolf Hitler? See what card goes with your Birthdate or Name, Go Here – * Celebrities Tarots * Can allso Help you in Learing The Meanings of Tarot Cards, With The Power of Numerology.. More Celebrities Coming Soon. Your Celebritie not here? – E-Mail Me.. Psychic Medium Charles J Sibley..
Video Rating: 3 / 5

Monthly Horoscopes DECEMBER 2009, Tarot card reader María José

8 Responses to * Adolf Hitlers Name & Birth With Tarots & Numerology * *

  • PsychicMediumCSibley says:

    `Changes, life’s Challenges` Can you trust that some greater good will come to you as you surrender to the change? You will have lots of Challenges in your life?

  • CupisHomines says:

    What’s it mean when you get the death card as your final card? It’s the card I got when I added up my name, birthday and zodiac sign.

  • cloaknpoke says:

    Silly Christian don’t you realize that Religion and Christianity are Occult lol.

  • PsychicMediumCSibley says:

    See what card goes with your Birthdate or Name, Goto my website >

  • sailorchibimoon1665 says:

    Hi Charlie! What are my cards?

  • conceil8 says:


    Good day to all of my fellow Christians, firstly my apology for being out of topic. I came here to remind you people that the judgment day has started already. Please depart from cursing, smoking, violent entertainment, fornication, occultism, and for watching pornography etc. lest you be found not worthy to enter the kingdom of God in the Day of Execution. Thank you for your kind consideration.


  • draculapw says:

    adolf met the pope of the time and actualy had support from him.

  • MasterOfTheTarot says:

    Very Interesting! Thank you!

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