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feel the stream of energy filling your solar plexus. As you breathe out, feel the energy in your solar plexus exiting through your palms into your crown chakra. Continue the same focus on your crown chakra for seven breathing cycles, or until you feel completely energized in the crown chakra. When you feel the crown chakra is sufficiently energized, move on to the third eye chakra (placing palms on each temple). As you breathe in, feel the stream of energy filling your solar plexus. As you breathe out, feel the energy in your solar plexus exiting through your palms into your third eye. Feel your third eye chakra expanding. Turn your eyes inward and “look” at your third eye as it expands and glows. As you breathe out through your palms, feel the third eye pulsating. Continue the same focus on your third eye chakra for seven breathing cycles, or until you feel completely energized in the third eye chakra. Continue the same pattern with the throat chakra, the heart chakra, the solar plexus chakra, and the root chakra. Place your palms on each chakra region as you awaken it. After the root chakra has been energized, inhale and feel pure energy completly filling your body from head to toe. As you exhale, feel the energy exit every pore and orifice of your body to create a protective energy sphere around you. Focus on this for at least five minutes. When you are finished, simply say the following mini-prayer: “Thank you Spirit, thank you Father and Mother, thank you Yeshua.”

Daniel Payne is an author, counselor and educator, and the founder of The International Fellowship of Yeshua. The International Fellowship of Yeshua is a spiritual organization dedicated to assisting people reach spiritual awakening.

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