Question by southsidepalmreader: After a big failing out of the pagan community and failed rites of passage could it be a sighn from God?
Best answer:
Answer by Epona Willow
Most communities/churches/groups have some in fighting and squabbling. It is not pleasant when it happens, but it happens.
Blessings )O(
What do you think? Answer below!
What big falling out?
Sounds like a christian fantasy to me…
Why is it that you think that YOUR religion is the only one that matters? keep in mind now, there are over three hundred and fifty OTHER religions, many of which were around millions of years BEFORE anyone even THOUGHT of Jesus Christ.
I suppose it could be seen as a sign for many things. Examples:
To learn to get along with others
To learn tolerance
To learn how to work out our differences
To learn that sometimes people need to act for the betterment of the whole rather than just themselves
To learn to laugh at ourselves and go on
To learn what not to do the next time
To learn how valuable a pagan community is even though we do not agree with everyone within it
A chance to start new and learn from our mistakes
I feel fortunate that I have a very large, long-lived and active pagan community. It is a gift, but it has to be worked for by all. I can remember 15 years ago when we had horrible problems with “witch wars” and hateful fighting. But we worked through it. And we learned. We still have plenty of arguments and debating, but we put the health of the community first. Whenever I get sad by the current bickering, all I have to do is remember what it was like before and imagine what it would be like if it all crumbled.