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I downloaded an English Voice Pack for NA Beta. These are some previews of the Spell casting and Attack Voices. Please leave comments. I didn’t do all of the voices because my NA Beta Client kept crashing. These are links to more of the Voices; Voices: Gladiator English Action:

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to Aion, North American Spellcasting/Attack Voices

  • nothinbutluck2134 says:

    aion blows

  • MilleniuMProductionZ says:

    @ChillaxinHomez Ohhh, thanks that confused me…

  • ChillaxinHomez says:

    @MilleniuMProductionZ Yeah you start out as mage, once you hit lvl 10 you choose a sub class; Sorcerer or Spiritmaster. They both are characterized as “Mage’s” but there appropriate names are either Sorcerer or Spiritmaster.

  • MilleniuMProductionZ says:

    So wtf there’s mage class but ppl say sorcerer???…

  • blind1105 says:

    i got NA version and i have other voices

  • spiritmaister says:

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  • PatroclusLover says:

    Ah-ha-ha! Incredibly horrible. XD Had a good laugh though.

  • carazide says:

    imo, the MUSIC is so fucking gay in this game 😛

    and why does everything blow up, if you only hit with a sword.

    And listen to the first female, it sounds like she’s dying over and over again while fighting :S

  • heitorperes says:

    its a good game! I’m brazilian but i will download this game… i liked a lot !

  • mrkmoua says:

    Can I download Wow’s sound pack into this game instead? lol…

    I’m not sure if this if these are Korean made English voices, but they sux balls BIG time.

  • l337z0r says:

    You could use these English voices. Or you could download the Japanese or Korean soundpack and replace all of it.

    I’m using the Japanese soundpack with some Korean casting sounds. 🙂

    Message me if you wanna know how.

  • metalone23 says:

    note to self disable voices the second i get the game…. If i ever get it 🙁 /cry

  • metalone23 says:

    i think they shud have stiked w/ the original voices… lol

  • metalone23 says:

    fail voices lol… hell…

  • sonica02 says:

    Yeah, the English voices are pretty terrible, especially for Priests. “Kagrero!” and “Ma Haffray!” over and over and over. I downloaded the Korean voice pack and it’s much better. Supposedly NCSoft doesn’t actually mind people using the Korean or Japanese voices if they want, and the instructions to do so can be found on the forums, threads about it don’t get modded.

  • GuitarMage77 says:

    hwaaaaaaaaaaa huuuuuh huaaaaaaa.

  • skinchen says:

    huwaaa..cough….ok let me…ok wait HUAAAAAA…cough hack…o wait just one more time…..HUWAAAAAAA!!! ok I got it

  • BButcher12 says:

    korean design is piece of shit

  • highjacka8790 says:

    I try not to take it personally, there is a reason that Asian based software companies have a hard time getting into western markets.

    That reason tends to be an insultingly low perception of the sophistication of Americans and the brutish impressions they have of us.

    Hence the grunts, moans and complete lack of diction in the characters.

  • skinke says:


  • 5i1v4n7i4n says:

    fuck yea lease you don’t have to sound like a 4 yr old Asian

  • asascovern says:

    why do they sound so weird

  • Serotonergic says:

    the voices are listed as like basic, tough, callous, and young. which corresponds to which here???

    also, the english spell casting voices fucking suck :/

  • elefantboxen says:

    where and how do download another voice pak, japaneese voice pak for example? plz tell me i cant stand the voices, the open beta almost killed meh

  • Wesujin says:

    Ya these are seriously the worst voices in any game ever. First day of open beta I dled the JPN voice pack, been using em ever since THANK GOD.

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