Live server Algalon 10 Man kill brought to you by Forthright on Sisters of Elune. Watch in HD and we will promise to kill bosses faster from now on. =P Kill Lineup: Shezz – Resto Shaman Telemechus – Resto Druid Legynd – Holy Paladin Reknar – Prot Warrior Rinascita – Prot Paladin Ripshot – Hunter (Specced for Replenishment because our nub Ret didn’t show up.) Islarieth – Elemental Shaman Ignius – Enhancement Shaman Makeshift – Balance Druid Korec – Blood Death Knight Website: Music: Pendulum – Intro Pendulum – Slam
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Live server Blood Princes 10 man kill brought to you by Forthright on Sisters of Elune. Website: Music: DJ Tiesto – In My Memory
Legynd i miss ya bro!
Woah I youtubed my PSN and this came up (My psn is Legynd)
pendulum 4 life
The background art and the minimap art comes with an addon called UltimateUI that I got a really long time ago. I think that’s the only part of the compilation that I actually still have. And thanks, but I can’t take the credit for the music. Korec is the one who gave it to me =)
Witness the fury of cosmos!
Yeah, nub ret didn’t show because that’s what happens when you get back at 9 and see that the router looked like it was raped.
Fucking amazing work, guys. LEGYNNNNNND!!
is the UI a special UI Comp addon or is it all self customized, and if so what addon is used for he background at the bottom?
Btw, great choice in music, another one that would have gone good for this would be Blood Sugar.
Congratulation for the victory. I wish kill him one day XD.
Pd: I prefer the other songs but this isn’t bad ^^
Which armory do you want? There were 10 people : P
armory ? ^^
nice kill
Also totemtimers
his UI is custom, i think with bartender, sunn viewport art, and i want to say pitbull for the character bars….i think
nice movie, your ui?
Nice kill 5/5
They should xfer off imo. Music aside, this guild is too good to be on that realm. The realm is nothing but bads, tards, and people who like to play dress up with their toons. If they want to recruit and do some serious raiding, I can recommend at least 5 realms where they would be better off.
I think the UI is Sunnart, the map is Sexymap and Bartender is used too obviously, not 100% sure though
Nice video but gay music :/
I will be putting a link to my addons in all my new videos so, if you haven’t subscribed yet, be sure to do that so you know when I put new videos out.
Hey, sorry it took me so long to respond. I am currently in the process of uploading my UI to Curse. It is currently waiting to be approved. I will be putting a link in all my new videos.
hm interesting.. healing 25man with three healers ^^..
but you’re right, they did a hotfix on the encounter .. and yesterday we killed them in the first attempt lol healing the keleseth tank wasn’t a problem at all ..
anyway, thanks for your response
Just as a follow up, most of our tanks were taking unusually high damage. And I think all the healers semi-focused the hunter while Keleseth was empowered.
Yeah, 10 man actually took longer for us to kill than 25 man, which has never happened before. It was assumed that the encounter was bugged which made the mobs do 25 man level damage or just under 25 man damage. So, we were pretty much healing 25 man, but with three healers. We ended up having to stick one healer to each tank and spam heal pretty much, which we have never done before (our healing strategy is pretty much ffa, our healers know what they are doing so we never use assignments).
what UI is that?