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The Shia have exalted their Imamsincluding and especially Ali (???? ???? ???)to a level of Shirk (associating partners with Allah). The Shia have granted their Imams a status of gods amongst men. Islam was sent to destroy Shirk in all its forms, and Shirk is considered by Allah to be the gravest of sins. Saying Ya Ali Madad is Shirk It is Shirk to say such things as Ya Ali Madad (O Ali, help us). Indeed, we should only call out with Ya Allah Madad. Only Allah and Allah alone can hear and answer our prayers. Thus, we should only go to Him and Him alone for help. We see that the very basic foundation block of Shiism is rooted in Shirk. Ali (???? ???? ???) or Jesus (???? ??????)? Much like the Christians have exalted the status of Prophet Isa (???? ??????), the Shia have exalted the status of Ali (???? ???? ???). They even draw pictures of Ali (???? ???? ???), and we see the similarities between Shiism and Christianity, two faiths that exaggerated the status of men. This article contains disturbing (and offensive) pictures, exposing the blasphemy of the Shia. Turbah: Sajdah to the Imams By praying to stones made from the shrines of their Imams and saints, the Shia are practising a polythiestic and paganistic grave-worshipping; they are quite literally making Sajood (prostration) to the Imams or Saints. Indeed, praying to the Turbah of these Imams and saints is Bidah (evil innovation) and Shirk; it is not much different than idol worshipping. Grave Worship It is polythiestic
Video Rating: 3 / 5


31 Responses to Ali Ali Ali


    I don,t know shias are kafir or not
    But i think they are not Muslims atleast or soo called momins..

  • MuhammadAhmad1 says:

    if the Quran can use the word imam to mean a book, a road, and leaders of kufr then why cannot the Quran? also mention the twelve Infallible Imams? The twelve Infallible Imams are? the core belief of the Shia, so then why are they not mentioned in the Quran? Surely, the only logical conclusion is that the doctrine of the twelve Infallible Imams is an innovation and deviation from the Islam of the Quran, otherwise Allah would? have mentioned it in the Quran.

  • lushhmushh says:

    wow.. i apprecaite this.. i would like to know more.. as im a sunni and when people ask me the difference between shia and sunni i dont really know what to say… may Allah guide our shia brothers to the right path… may Allah subhana wa ta’ala unit the ummah under the true deen of islam.. the holy quran and the sunnah of mohamed (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

  • wallidjanafghan says:

    This is the most important believe that will unite us MuslimS if you really don’t believe in the oneness of Allah swt (Tawheed) and if you dont make all worship sensor for Him (associating partners with Allah swt) then you are really not a Muslim. Where do you get your information from, we love all the family of prophet Mohammed sws including his daughter Fatima, Ali, Husain, Hassan may Allah be please with them all we also love all the sahabahs omar, Othman, Abu Bakr A.R

  • SiratAl7aq says:

    if that is all you have to say back, insisting that WE believe there is someone else like Allah swt, and ignoring every other fact i presented to u then i find no point in continuing with u ma3asalama

  • wallidjanafghan says:

    Allah (SWT) says:
    “The rule (Command) belongs to none but Allah” [Quran 12:40]
    “To Him belongs the Creating and the Commanding.” [Quran 7:54]
    Allah (SWT) states;
    “There is nothing like Him” [Quran 42:11]
    “And never has there been anyone coequal with Him.” [Quran 112:4]

    If we start applying human interpretations to Allah (SWT)s attributes, in essence what we are doing is assigning human attributes to Allah (SWT). This is contrary to the fact that He is independent from His creation.

  • wallidjanafghan says:

    That is the biggest lie I have ever heard we Muslims ahlil sunna (people who submit to Allah swt and follow prophet Mohammed sws) love all the sahabahs that include Ali, Omar, Othman, Abu bakr and love and follow the family of Prophet Mohammed sws (may peace and blessing of Allah be upon them).

  • wallidjanafghan says:

    Allah (SWT) says;

    “Allah is the Creator of all things and He is the agent on which all things depend.” [Quran 39:62]
    “Allah created you and whatever you do.” [Quran 37:96]
    “And no calamity strikes except by Allahs permission.” [Quran 64:11]

    Tawheed al-Asmaa wa al-Sifaat
    This is the belief that Allah (SWT) is one without similitude in His names and attributes. Allah (SWT) must be referred to in the manner He and His Messenger ( SAW) have described Him.

  • wallidjanafghan says:

    Tawheed al-Rububiyah
    This is the belief that Allah (SWT) is One without partner in His dominion. He is Lord and Sustainer of the universe in all matters of creation, planning and controlling, i.e. the Creator. Tawheed al-Rububiyah is based on the fundamental concept that Allah (SWT) alone caused all things to exist.Allah (SWT) sustains and maintains the creation and He (SWT) is independent from His creation.

  • wallidjanafghan says:

    If really believe that then believe what you want but as far as after you Ali or Husain or Hassan may Allah be please with them cannot take you to paradise unless you submit or confess the Lordship of Allah and to purify Allahs names, attributes and any deed of creation and not to associate anything with Him.

  • wallidjanafghan says:

    We all love the prophet sws and his family there is no problem with that. the problem is when you sheias love him too murch like the Christians love esa (Jesus) a.s. You should only ask help from Allah swt (sura fatiha) eeya kanaabuduu wa eeya kanastaiaan). Don’t ask Ali nor Mohammed sws because Allah is the only one that can hear you all the time.

  • SiratAl7aq says:

    i wasnt interested in the video but i thought id skip to the middle and sob7anallah it came to my favourtie speaker sayed 3ammar n its werid that u put it because he proves your argument wrong. Al 7amdulillahi allathi hadana lihatha wa ma kunna li nahtadi law la an hadana Allah

  • SiratAl7aq says:

    how can we not cry when this love for Hussein is engraved in our can we not praise the family of the prophet when their love too is engraved in our souls with the first name being our beloved Mo7ammad (saas) it seems you focused on matam which is also known as tatbeer…it is funny because it is 7aram for shee3a as well so i find no sence in your argument…

  • SiratAl7aq says:

    Nabi Mo7ammad said “kul 3ain youm al qiyama bakiya illa 3ain bakat 3ala musab il 7ussein” (every eye on the day of judgement will be crying except for the eyes that cried for the calamities of Hussein) u ask us why we cry for the master of martyrs.. you tell me if it is possible to prevent crying if crying is something you choose to do?

  • SiratAl7aq says:

    daughter the man in which the prophet said “whosoever i was his master 3ali is his master may Allah be friends with the friends of 3ali and enemies with the enemies of 3ali” the prophet said “i am the city of knowledge and 3ali is the gate so he who wanted the city has to go throuhg its gate fite” it is the fact Ahl il Sunna cant comprehend the importance of the family of the Prophet of Imam 3ali of Imam Hussein that you actually believe we are on the wrong path Allah Akbar.

  • SiratAl7aq says:

    “. this is a girl whom for 3 years was getting information of Islam she knew the life of 3omar, the life of abu bakr, the life of 3aysha.yet her friends, or even the sheikhs did not find it important enough to mention the Prophet even had a daughter..sob7anallah. how can u say we are wrong when 3aysha started a war against Imam 3ali the cousin of the prophet the man that was raised by the prophet the first man to become a muslim the husband of prophets daughter

  • SiratAl7aq says:

    . i knew a girl that was sunni who had just converted and was tought by her sunni friends. she once asked me a question with an answer that required mentioning the daughter of the Prophet “Fatima Al zahraa” when i said her name she asked me “who is that” i said “no one has ever mentioned the daughter of the Prophet to u” she said “no”.

  • SiratAl7aq says:

    to this day we dont even know where the grave of the PROPHETS DAUGHTER is.u call that love for the Prophet? how can u say we are wrong when u praise omar ibn lkhattab when he burnt down Sayeda Fatima n her husband Imam 3alis house breaking the prophets daughters bones causing her death a few days later.

  • SiratAl7aq says:

    the worst thing is when someone puts words in your mouth or thoughts in your head..R U SHI3A? then how do u know how shi3a think? lets cut the “im just trying help my brothers and sister thank Allah mashallah” stuff ..who do you think you are addressing..pagans? have u heard our salawat? have u heard our shahada? we say Allahumma salli 3alal mo7amad wa aleh mo7amad not 3ali wa aleh 3ali “may God send his blessings on MOHAMMAD and the FAMILY of Mohammad”

  • wallidjanafghan says:

    Thank you for your comments. Jazakullah khair!

  • taya786 says:

    Please Read from the bottom up

  • taya786 says:

    Allah swt says in the Noble quran I will bring you back the same way i have sent you…And these are the signs for the beliver…

  • taya786 says:

    All Muslim brothers and Sisters help the Muslim who have went astray for you will be questioned about them….Take Advantage of your youth When you are young you can learn alot and what ever you learn you teach another and if they follow you will be rewarded…Dont wait till old age..When you are old its like you go back to your begining how you were when you were a infant and a child…

  • taya786 says:

    The Angel Israfil has his mouth on the soor right now and is looking toward the arshe of Allah swt…The isnt even blinking his eyes as he doest want to miss the command of Allah swt….Pls dont waste time…Dont listen to me Allah has send yu the Beautiful Quran Read it …Read the hadith the life of the Prophet Swt….U will learn everything….INshallah i hope this will help someone even if 1 person understand thisI would be Thank full to Allah swt.

  • taya786 says:

    Also i would just like to change something i said in the above statement As i have said about Prayer in just Rammadan and sinning all year is not good…But Matam is haram regardless..I know a shia sister who tells me who would shed blood for another????I ask u you want to shed blood okay godd fight with the jew in palastian..Fight in the cause of Allah ….The blood and the way you are shedding will get you nothing but fire…..Wake up before the your death..or before the soor is blown into.

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