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Allah is sin. Often depicted as a wise old man with a long beard, the moon god Sin was one of the most important Babylonian gods. His main temples were situated at Ur and Harran. The moon god “sin” was elevated to the top of the Babylonian pantheon by Nabu-na’id (Nabonidus) in an effort to make Babylonian religion more acceptable to subjects like the Arabians and Arameans. The Arabians esteemed the moon god, but had more difficulty identifying with Marduk, the supreme Babylonian deity associated primarily with the city of Babylon. The god Sin, “The Controller of the Night,” had the crescent moon as his emblem, and the lunar-based calendar, which became the primary religious symbols of Islam, was worshiped in Arabia as AI-Ilah. Mecca became the center of all pagan religions of Arabia before Mohammed. AI-Ilah, the Moon God, was the “Lord of the Ka’aba” (“cube”) which held the pagan black rock idol and was formerly the center of pagan worship, ruling over 360 idols. Lucrative trade routes resulted in meca. Pagans who lived in Saudi Arabia before Muhammad was born worshiped toward Mecca because Mecca is where their idols were located. Because this pagan worship centered on Mecca was so widespread, a rapid acceptance of Muhammad’s new religion was possible. Thus, Islam is a previously heathen religion modified into a monotheistic form by discarding all the other pagan gods except for Al-Ilah. Al-Ilah simply became Al-lah over time. Islam still worships a black stone idol as
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25 Responses to Allah is SIN

  • bubblecool2000 says:

    And when God said, ‘O Jesus, son of Mary, did you say unto men, “Take me and my mother as gods, apart from God”? He said, ‘To you be glory! It is not mine to say what I have no right to. If I indeed said it, you would have known it, knowing what is within my heart, though I do not know your knowledge; you know the things unseen. I only said to them what you did commands me: “Serve God, my God and your God.” Quran 5-116

  • bubblecool2000 says:

    please read it with open mind…
    Mark 13:32 No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

  • 4trueway says:

    Die Islam Massaker und Mord von Christen in der Geschichte.

    Die Türken massakrierten:
    1847 30000 Assyrsche Christen
    1876 in Mai 12000 Bugarische Christen
    1894-1896 30000 Armenische u Assyrische Christen
    1915 1,5 Millionen Armenische u. 250000 Assyrische Christen und 200000 Armenier gezwungen zu Islam
    1918 15000 Armenische Christen.
    Heute? Massaker von Christen in Dafur, Africa, In Indonesien.

    Das ist der wahre Islam, die religion des Antichristen.
    Einen anderen Islam gib es nicht.

  • bubblecool2000 says:

    thank u 4 the reply..
    the time of jesus (pbuh) ppl were speakin Aramaic..great answer!! so ..its simple now u can guess ..which word jesus was using instead of god in ARAMAIC and please check Pronunciation too
    {” My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46).

    if u want u can use aramaic dictionary from the web

  • toughjen says:


  • 4trueway says:

    @bubblecool2000 As far as we know, in Jesus Christ time on earth, the people there spoke Aramaic language, Father in aramaic is “Abba”
    Regarding Jesu religion, He himself said in Matt.16,18 “I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”
    And regarding His Church we read: ” And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch” Acts 11,26 Therefore His religion today is “Christianity. It means, that christians are followers of Jesus Christ.

  • 4trueway says:

    @bubblecool2000 At Jesus 2nd comming His Name will be: ” Faithful and True”
    and ” KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS” Revelation 19, 11-16

    Actually Jesus Christ has many different names in the Bible.

  • 4trueway says:

    @bubblecool2000 Jesus did teach a lot, for example:
    22:37 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
    22:38 This is the first and great commandment.
    22:39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
    22:40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

    Regarding His Name angel Gabriel said to Mary His mother: “and thou shalt call his name JESUS”
    I think it is clear enough, or?

  • bubblecool2000 says:

    Dear friend please dont use ur brain based on blind faith.. i asked about jesus’s mother tongue he was used call his father?
    pls answer this too..What is Jesus’s religion and wht does it mean?

  • 4trueway says:

    @bubblecool2000 1:18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.

    1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

    1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

    from Mattew Gospel

  • bubblecool2000 says:

    just imagine !! wht will be his answer?..coz he was never called by that name…now you go n find out how he was used to call his father in his mother u will come close to Allah coz his mother tongue n Arabic are sister languages. pls read the bible n quran with open mind ..God may bless u my friend!!!

  • bubblecool2000 says:

    my friend..u talkin lot of things abt Allah ..great!! .Actually what the jesus teached us n wht was his real name ?(pbuh) in fact his original name sounds like Jews or Muslim that is the reason they changed the name to jesus ..hmm in his 2nd coming if anybody call him jesus..

  • Ilovezemusic says:

    All Comments (666)

  • 4trueway says:

    Allah – pagan moon god, even before islam, was one of many pagan idols of Arabia, and it was worshipped in Mekka. Therefore even today you can see the image of moon on islamic mosques and minarets, which is again a proof that moslems are idol worshippers.

    Though Mohammad took the pagan moon god Allah, and made it to the god of islam, Allah is not a true God. As devil hides behind every idol, so hides devil himself behind the moon god Allah.

    Beware of islam! The religion of Antichrist

  • Obasiliasfilosofos says:

    Guess what Christians, You came from Judaism, While Judaism came from Canaanism, Your god “yahweh” was originally a storm God who famously slew the Leviathan, he was the patron god of the hebrews who worshiped him first and then the other gods second, Eventually all the others gods were thrown out and amalgamated into one god in order to increase the authority and affluence of the King and the Yahwehists priesthood by casting out the competition from rival Priesthoods and rival deities.

  • shalili9 says:

    And to continue, Constantine became the first Pope perverting the Gospel and remaining a pagan he faked it all. he never was saved or a Christian. By doing this he fulfilled Bible Profecy which can be read in REVELATIONS 17.

  • shalili9 says:

    The comments here have just proven what the bible has said thousands of years ago. GALATIANS 1:6-10 read this. it basically says that if anyone even an Angel bring to you a different gospel let them be cursed. Don’t believe it. Satan disguises himself as an angel of light, and Mohammad, Joseph Smith Jr.,founder of the MORMONS, and others claimed an “Angel” gave them a new gospel. Jesus said they would come ….as wolves in sheeps clothing. And they did Constantine, Mohammad, and others.

  • JesusOrMuhammad says:

    Does anyone know the name of the song in the beginning and at 8:30 min? That song rocks

  • GodLovesUs100 says:

    May God allow the Muslims to see and come out of deception.

  • PhuQuangLe111 says:

    This guy is not spritual, and I say he is smart guy and intelligent in research in all. I think he should go over all of it again, and this time do it on spritual level. If you could really say the things about God again this time after reading the Quran and doing the research again. Here is a clue to the Quran, and if you just read while paying attention the words that are in it is so real I can’t justify a false moment in the process.

  • PhaorohCJ says:

    “If you will stand against Israel, the apple of My eye and the messenger (Jesus) who brings My light to all of the world, to pressure and destroy My chosen people, then you will be against Me and I will judge you with all of My Might.”

    All muslims and islam does is curse? isreal and want it off the map this is what will happen to ou if you do not stop now you foolish muslims

  • 77705000000000000000 says:

    In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

    [41:38] And among His Signs are the night and the day and the sun and the moon. Prostrate not yourselves before the sun, nor before the moon, but prostrate yourselves before Allah, Who created them, if it is Him Whom you really worship.
    [41:39] But if they turn away with disdain they do it to their own detriment, while those who are with thy Lord glorify Him night and day, and they are never wearied.]

  • jospehin says:


  • mihaimoldo says:

    grats on another hate-inducing video…

  • jesusyarrup says:

    SURA(5:33) “Those who make war upon Allah and His messenger…… …. WILL BE KILLED OR CRUCIFIED, OR HAVE THEIR HANDS AND FEET ON ALTERNATE SIDES CUT OFF SUCH WILL BE THEIR DEGRADATION IN THIS WORLD and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom.”

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