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modern fast food culture is responsible for Constipation. Anxiety, fear, mental tension – all these create Constipation. Naturopaths averr that Constipation is the root cause of all diseases.Some antacids also create Constipation. In certain conditions, water will be absorbed in the Colon and faecal matter may solidify. Such hard stools are difficult to dislodge.Lack of proper timing of food, anxiety, mental problems etc all cause Constipation. Constipation will create back pain, weight in the stomach, headache, loss of appetite etc.

Intake of fruits and vegetables organically grown, 12 glasses of water daily, ensure mental peace, correct bowel movements – all these will cure Constipation

Gas Trouble or Hyperacidity

This is a very common disease. In India, there are very few homes without antacid tablets ! On one side, we take a lot of antacids and on the other take in acidic foods ! Amongst the Six Tastes, that which is Sour, Pungent and Salty foster Hyperacidity.

Fried foods, foods containing Masala, very cold drinks,potato, plantains – all these foster Gas Trouble. Lack of exercise is one of the causative factors. Also working seated for long hours.Mental tensions also foster this disease. It is not what you eat, but it is what eats you that is the cause of this common disease.

Mental pain, thoughts of revenge, fear – all these pave the way for this malady. There is an Emotional Center in the brain. When we have mental upsets, this Emotional Center stimulates the oxintic cells in our stomach to secrete Hyrochloric Acid.Lots of gas going from the rectal tract, indigestion – all these are the symptoms of gas trouble. Naturopaths averr that Constipation is the cause of

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