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Complete video at: John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man and Hoodwinked, explains how his experiences with an Amazonian tribe led to a “mind set change” on the issue of global warming. Perkins insists that “we must change if we want to survive as a species.” —– The current crisis is a classic hit by economic hit men (EHM) – except this time, the victims are us. Drawing on personal experiences described in his blockbuster books (Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, The Secret History of the American Empire, and Hoodwinked), John Perkins explains how tools honed during the past four decades in developing countries are enabling the extremely rich to purchase businesses and real estate at fire sale prices; defend abolition of health care, education, and other social programs; and justify privatization of the public sector. However, crises offer opportunities. Perkins presents a plan for transforming the economy and describes ways each of us can employ our individual passions and skills to not only prosper but also create a world we will be proud to pass on to future generations. John Perkins has lived four lives: as an economic hit man (EHM); as the CEO of a successful alternative energy company, who was rewarded for not disclosing his EHM past; as an expert on indigenous cultures and shamanism, a teacher and writer who used this expertise to promote ecology and sustainability while continuing to honor his vow of silence about his life as an EHM

Shaman Scott Petersen describes the Ayahuasca healing process, Refugio Altiplano, Iquitos Peru
Video Rating: 5 / 5

34 Responses to Amazon Experience Gives John Perkins New Perspective on Global Warming

  • amazontroy says:

    @refugioaltiplano well said chris!

  • refugioaltiplano says:

    @surferragamuffin We are all sitting on the shamanic knowledge within, regardless of color, background or race. Times of the world bring these indigenous techniques to the forefront in all cultures and we need to embrace our true spiritual heritage before it is long gone.
    Peace from the deep inside.

  • latinamega17 says:

    @surferragamuffin i think he have been tought from real native shamans but I guess hes the one that have the money to create the place and has decided to do the intership and commitment to live and become a shaman to serve the people who wish to go? what do u think (:?

  • certifiedhealthnut says:

    @surferragamuffin at this point in human history the medicine is calling many and crossing borders too….and ultimately we are all indigenous….off the earth.

  • surferragamuffin says:

    i thought to be a shaman you had to have indian blood , this guy doesn’t seem to have any indian in him.

  • refugioaltiplano says:

    levitation – more than ever people…..just the kind of thing ayahuasca makes to us and our everyday, habitually mundane and tunnel visioned lifestyle……..

  • jposco says:

    someone PLEASE tell me the name of the intro song. PLEEEASE!

  • wardsman says:

    I like this guy. peru my next country to visit.

  • todayisthedaytolive says:

    that was absolutely amazing….

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