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Complete video at: John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man and Hoodwinked, explains how his experiences with an Amazonian tribe led to a “mind set change” on the issue of global warming. Perkins insists that “we must change if we want to survive as a species.” —– The current crisis is a classic hit by economic hit men (EHM) – except this time, the victims are us. Drawing on personal experiences described in his blockbuster books (Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, The Secret History of the American Empire, and Hoodwinked), John Perkins explains how tools honed during the past four decades in developing countries are enabling the extremely rich to purchase businesses and real estate at fire sale prices; defend abolition of health care, education, and other social programs; and justify privatization of the public sector. However, crises offer opportunities. Perkins presents a plan for transforming the economy and describes ways each of us can employ our individual passions and skills to not only prosper but also create a world we will be proud to pass on to future generations. John Perkins has lived four lives: as an economic hit man (EHM); as the CEO of a successful alternative energy company, who was rewarded for not disclosing his EHM past; as an expert on indigenous cultures and shamanism, a teacher and writer who used this expertise to promote ecology and sustainability while continuing to honor his vow of silence about his life as an EHM

Shaman Scott Petersen describes the Ayahuasca healing process, Refugio Altiplano, Iquitos Peru
Video Rating: 5 / 5

34 Responses to Amazon Experience Gives John Perkins New Perspective on Global Warming

  • Parallaxable says:

    v=5lfz8Uz5zfU that video contain answer what we all folks must do, to exit from crisis,replace symbol in address, after sign v=

  • Parallaxable says:

    v=5lfz8Uz5zfU that video contain answer what we all folks must do, to exit from crisis,replace symbol in address, after sign v=

  • Cl1mateAware says:

    William Tarkovsky bares his soul: check out eco-video The Book of New Creation

    Share something important with those who care

  • phnixlady says:

    I have seen this guy all over this week. To me that means something. He must be “low” on funds. IMO.
    Nevertheless, we all need to get back to where we can tell time by the sun, read plant conditions, recognize good soil, use common sense, stop being greedy. You can’t learn about fixing the earth in a suit in an office with the a/c blasting.

  • MarmaladeINFP says:

    Yes, black/white & good/bad thinking annoys me. These are challenging issues. There are no simple theories about complex data & there are no easy solutions to difficult problems.

    As for carbon, I have no particular opinion. Carbon is just one factor in the larger scheme of pollutants. I really don’t know what the effect or lack of that carbon has.

  • MarmaladeINFP says:

    I mistrust anyone w/ power whether corporations, lobbyists, or governments. Scientists do have some power & are funded by those w/ power… as is almost everything. Still, I have more faith in science than in most things in our society. Unlike capitalism or politics, science has a method that is designed to determine facts & their implications by seeking worldwide consensus among scientists in any given field. Scientists around the world get diverse sources of funding.

  • MarmaladeINFP says:


    Which website?

    I’m of the opinion that there is a war on science and truth. There are those in power who don’t want truth, but I wouldn’t put scientists as a whole in that category.

    Scientific funding comes from many sources. In the US, scientific funding used to come from primarily the govt (such as internet & the space program), but increasingly funding is coming from the private sector. Many University research departments get money from corporations.

  • justanothersheeple says:

    @joe80dman yeah they call the amazon the “lungs” of the earth

  • joe80dman says:

    @justanothersheeple: Okay, thanks!

  • justanothersheeple says:

    i posted that blacksmith link on my channel, you can literally track the toxic dumps by country, it’s another ngo, of course

  • joe80dman says:

    @justanothersheeple: The “major polluters” are very well connected to the global elite. This is why they continue polluting unabated, while the small business is constantly harassed into bankruptcy. It’s just another way to bully us.

  • justanothersheeple says:

    @joe80dman basically we need to get rid of the major polluters without agenda 21

  • justanothersheeple says:

    @joe80dman well the amazon is being deforested and not replanted, the problem is for every forest that is cut, they pack in about 1000 trees per acre, i’m a recovering sierra club member, lol, the water is the cleanest on earth i think, still

  • joe80dman says:

    “Mind set change” = Brainwashing, indoctrination. This Perkins guy probably works for Al Gore. This is just another venue to sway a gullible public into accepting global governance, and Carbon Credits.

  • justanothersheeple says:

    the water is polluted, there are soil issues/degradation, so when the epa ruled carbon a pollutant for the carbon carousel ponzi scheme they lost credibility people are stupid they think in black and white good and bad now

  • justanothersheeple says:

    @MarmaladeINFP no i’ve actually been to that website i know what you’re talking about and that isn’t true there isn’t a war on science there’s a war on truth, it’s called GRANTS

  • MarmaladeINFP says:

    I’m not quite sure which comment you’re responding to. Is the “they” you speak of the conservatives? BTW I heard an interesting interview with Dr. Leonard Sax. He talks about the effect that estrogen-like chemicals have on the development of kids. He was arguing that this explains why girls are maturing earlier now and why boys are maturing much later… which is creating an education disparity between girls and boys.

  • justanothersheeple says:

    @MarmaladeINFP yes they need to switch their bunk science to reality and talk about estrogen polluted water & real stuff not bullshit

  • justanothersheeple says:

    @Suchonga yes i dont believe in anthropomophic global warming i wish these flakes would go away or talk about something real, co2 is not a pollutant, petrochemicals and coal is, deforestation might be in some areas but even most of that is replaced with other trees ten fold, i’m not sure about canada though

  • MarmaladeINFP says:

    I think the combination of changes on the national and international levels will contribute to more open-mindedness and more appreciation of other cultures. The youth today are the most diverse in US history because of increases in immigration in recent years. The youth have grown up with whites already being the minority among their peers. Polls show that this has influenced their view of the world. The youth are much more accepting of those who are different from them.

  • zayadnay says:

    it’ll be very interesting to see the direction in which this country moves towards.. maybe now with the emerging world powers such as china, india, and brazil.. we’ll be more respectful of other cultures and give them their space

  • MarmaladeINFP says:

    You hit the nail on the head. I think that is the reason of the increase of conflict and negativity. It’s also why this has particularly increased with conservatives. The problem conservatives face is that their demographic base is shrinking. Traditional Christianity is losing it’s support and influence. Whites will become the new minority in the next few decades. The younger generation (which is the largest generation in US history) are less religious and more socially liberal on most issues.

  • zayadnay says:

    that’s true. the percentage of people in the united states who are non-religious is increasing, but a portion of the religious ones are becoming more religious out of fear of losing their identity because of what the call the attack by intellectuals and science driven thinkers in this country and their supposed control over colleges and media sources.. so as i heard in many researches, the country is becoming more and more polarized religiously and politically

  • MarmaladeINFP says:

    There are two interesting shifts. People are picking & choosing their beliefs, but the US is still largely Christian. What is changed is that Christians are more accepting of beliefs such as astrology & reincarnation & more accepting of practices such as meditation. Also those identifying as non-religious are increasing (14% adult population, higher w/ youth). These are people who don’t identify as religious which means they’re atheist, agnostic, indifferent or think of themselves as spiritual.

  • zayadnay says:

    well if that’s the case then i guess it’s all for the best, because all i heard from the new age spirituality speeches are good things or beliefs that lead to good behavior and if we americans all started thinking in that manner we will be loved by everyone in the world once again, but this as you said should be by choice not by manipulation without disclosure of intent

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