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have the printed book? I dream up if you really love to read and you are burdened by carrying tons of books on vacation with…

If you own a Kindle do you still buy books from the book store?
I am thinking about buying a kindle and wanted to know if you own the kindle by amazon, if you still go to a bookstore and buy books? I still buy books if they are cheaper than the Kindle price, or if I don’t want to lurk for…

If you own any perception when Kindle 3 will hit the bazaar, I would love to know.?
Those of you who have Kindle 2 – do you like it. Is it worth the money? Thanks all. If you are considering to buy the Kindle, I’ll suggest you to read the actual customer review section on Amazon. It is the best and most…

If you own the kindle do you still buy books from a book store?
No u go to you download them there no… its an ebook reader so buy an EBOOK I’m an avid reader and I own the Kindle 2. Since I got my Kindle 2, I had all books purchased within Kindle version, as I like to keep…

Im getting a kindle two and…?
If you buy the Kindle 2 off of amazon will it come with a charger? Yes it will come with a charger. Here is more info: Source(s): The Kindle comes with a USB charger. Besides having it able to connect to your computer, here is an adapter that connects to…

Im getting the kindle 2 soon and..?
can you explain what these are?:Kindle electronic reader, power adapter, and USB 2.0 cable (for connection to the Kindle power adapter or optionally to connect to a PC or Macintosh computer). Kindle

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