its more than that. OBviously, as the song denotes, they are all old world shamans. I cant even describe to you the power of the shaman and the beauty entailed.
Thank you! I love metal with all of my heart, but what kills me is when metal has to be categorized so precisely and if you’re wrong, then you’re considered to be a non metal-head. It’s just like ” Who the fuck cares about what genre or sub-genre it is! Just sit back and enjoy the METAL!”
@Beaumain Well, progressive metal is really wide category, so I still rank Amorphis to progressive metal. I may be wrong, naturally…
Anyway, this is exactly why I hate when metal have to be categorized: nobody ever agrees to others categorizing and then everybody is debating what it is. After all, it doesn’t matter one bit.
@DefilerSenpai actually it’s not. Progressive metal is very different thing, just compare to Dream Theater, Symphony X and Ayreon. Amorphis is a damn too good band to mislabel.
@ShadowAce70 i agree with shadow
its more than that. OBviously, as the song denotes, they are all old world shamans. I cant even describe to you the power of the shaman and the beauty entailed.
Hey guys, if you like Amorphis then check out my band Grey Skies Fallen on my channel!!!
@ShadowAce70 Agreed!
Thank you! I love metal with all of my heart, but what kills me is when metal has to be categorized so precisely and if you’re wrong, then you’re considered to be a non metal-head. It’s just like ” Who the fuck cares about what genre or sub-genre it is! Just sit back and enjoy the METAL!”
I fucking LOVE that intro!
@Beaumain Well, progressive metal is really wide category, so I still rank Amorphis to progressive metal. I may be wrong, naturally…
Anyway, this is exactly why I hate when metal have to be categorized: nobody ever agrees to others categorizing and then everybody is debating what it is. After all, it doesn’t matter one bit.
@DefilerSenpai actually it’s not. Progressive metal is very different thing, just compare to Dream Theater, Symphony X and Ayreon. Amorphis is a damn too good band to mislabel.
actually, it’s Amorphis… ;D
Actually it is just good FUCKING METAL
Actually it’s progressive metal ^^’
actually its folk metal =P
lol so great music..Shaman Rox ever
Kalevala Rules!!!!!!!!!
Saw the in provinssi rock 09
they were awsome!
Tomi Joutsen, as he’s been the last four years
they used to be death metal though
Who is the vocalist on this song?
love love it love it love it! the main riff is always in my ear!
finnish band to top !!!!!!!
hyvä biisi! / good song!!!
it was death metal before……..they changed to pussies
tak to sa dá len súhlasi?. dos? kapelu oživil
Joo hyvä suomi!
finnish bands rulez! -.-