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explain. If we consider Sir Gawain we could say that he was the original hero of many of the adventures later assigned to Lancelot, Perceval and Galahad, like an archetypal myth, well built in the narrative of Sir Gawain the Green Knight, because of the rite of passage, following the phases: separation – initiation – return. It is considered an Arthurian romance. As it’s written in the introduction of the book, the ideal of knightly conduct – of courage, loyalty, and courtesy – against which the poem’s action is to be viewed, was a long-established, though still viable, ideal, which had become subject to superficial acceptance and even satirical treatment. In our century, it’s a similarly subject to ridicule.

               Gawain is a nice personage because he accepts the challenge and is not afraid that he should not return. Loyalty is really a nice feature of a lord. If we analyze that the tricky situation he was invited to participate, even if it’s just imagination or reinforcement of his masculine values, it’s not that difficult to understand he acted like a lord, with his reason, not with his heart. This behavior should be ideal at that time (Borrof vii-xiii).


Cunha 06

              In Conrad’s book, Heart of Darkness Marlow is the one who tells the story. We can notice his presence right at the beginning of the saga through the interior of Africa, and then, understand the name of the book.

                 He mentions that when he was a little chap he had the passion for maps. He liked to look for hours at South America, or Africa, or Australia, and lose himself in all the

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