An Insight Into Why There Are Those Who Are
An Insight Into Why There Are Those Who Are.
Throughout the cemeteries there has been a same sex attraction among woman as there has also been among males. This paper will relate to the female species of human life and why in general, women are more open with physical contact than are males. Women as we know create life within them selves then sustain and nurture that gift to the world. That event usually starts with a sexual sharing with a partner. This event of female pregnancy is not random but controlled by a Universal law which is influenced by the life energies that are on earth. Woman “A”, who was first born in the year 300 AD and was one among say 3000 women born on that day and collectively their spirit energy was tagged to live for some fifteen hundred years through a number of lives and to place on the earth, X number of children during that time. Along with their births, a number of male physical forms where also born and being The process of becoming pregnant then is in line with tagging of her spirit and same Universal tagging grew in age with the women, some of whom, they married and started the process of placing new life on the earth which was also tagged by the Universe Laws and that of the parents as in DNA and Genetic markings. (Another body tagging will eventually be discovered).
About each living body is a polarity which on the female form is Negative at the head and Positive at the base of the Spinal Column. The male form is of course the reverse to that of the female form. This polarity causes the charkas to rotate in opposite directions, yet when the female –male body face each other, the rotation is then in the same direction and a connection of the body’s is formed