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social being and place a lot of important personal values which daughter is downloaded with.  Now as teenage girl grows towards adult hood, she is aware of how vulnerable she can be.  Also because she is a life creator, she has a higher level of respect for life that is about her and when she meets up with her friend, to show off this awareness, she will hug the other girl who shares the exchange and bodies transfer data through the charkas.  This bonding makes each girl feel good about them selves and set up a sense of being stronger, it is reassuring that there is no isolation being felt.  Girls hate going somewhere alone, especially as night or to a strange location they are not sanguine with.  The physical contact is then both reassuring and comforting that she is still friends, the energy between her and the friend is increased and body’s feel they are still a part of life.  It also expresses her concern for her friend; she is able to sense the emotional levels of the girl being held.  It also helps the female body live longer because the brain body thinking process is life orientated and sustaining.  Therefore, being able to share this energy about with other women is intensifying that ability in her body.  In countries were the children still visits the parents long after they have married and left home, the parents usually live to very old age.  Mother’s body created a life with is still being sensed, so therefore, the mother’s body needs to be there to mother that life.

As a girl ages, the connecting ritual is more of gratefulness that she is still friends and alive and the importance of having completed a time from birth leaving children and grandchildren here of which she is a part of still, leads her into thinking that

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