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Morning Sickness in an effort for the inner growth to be expelled.  However, that can’t happen and brain body draw a truce with the foetus being allowed to develop.  (Has any research into those women who suffer Morning Sickness been conducted along the lines of body energy, location of conception, place of employment and the general attitude the father has towards the wife being pregnant), as well, as, that of the in-laws ?   What was the girl’s mother’s attitude towards her own pregnancy?  Mother is the computer and the child the floppy disk which is downloaded with data for emotional levels, among many other body brain lines of communication, form the mother)  I guess not then. 

Hopefully by the above reading, you have gained some knowledge the have the ability to create life because their physical form is designed to a higher standard of mental and physical strength to create a growth of life within it’s own form and conduct this over a slow period of time where both bodies adapt to the changing physical earth time towards a birth.  Then having gone through that experience to become a member of the mother’s club; loves the child in a way far different to how the father loves the same child. The father sees his role as supporting and providing and not knowing really what else to do but stand and watch in wonder where his wife learned how to do what she does for their infant.  Part of the mother’s downloading of data.  It is brain or stored in memory in the aura energy about brain and when needed, is transferred into the physical brain where emotions and heredity skills work together to sustain the new life dependant on the parents.

      Why do bubs feel more comfortable with the mother? Because she is with the

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