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of the 1920’s and 30’s, it must have been very difficult to have and need a same sex partner to support their artistic level of energy and ability while in the public eyes, portraying an image of the socially expected husband wife role model.  In my research I found that the more one is of a higher level of talent, the more that body will need the energy supplement from a same sex body to function at the high artistic level.  Also in the research, these women have a stronger bonding towards feminine friendship and it is as if, they flock together for security and strength than do heterosexual women do.  The physical body of a lesbian does not like the lower body frequency and chemistry of the male body because of the polarity.  (Both heterosexual male and Lesbian have the same body polarity).

The physical body of a Lesbian needs the cross enzyming that heterosexual women collect in their daily life by connecting to males.  Those women with a close relationship with a male gather these male enzymes by close physical and sexual contact.  The reason for this is both body’s need to have a balance of the others body enzyme to survive and remain healthy.  Internal organs thrive on this energy of attachment to another body.  Bodies are not meant to be isolated individuals simply existing through life. Those males, who are suffering ill health you might fine, have very little real physical contact with their wives or daughters.  (Women are life sustainers)  For Lesbians to gain a cross enzyme dose when it is needed, is difficult for them. Some though in body’s desperation for this dose, will share of her self with a guy and then wonder if she’s been living a lie, but feeling better she returns to her girlfriend.  It is the role of the

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