An Introduction to the New Age ? Becoming a Psychic
Spiritual development requires time, patience and understanding. People are born with psychic powers but only few becomes a psychic. There are those who are “natural born” psychics, others have weak psychic powers who needs development in order to use it, and there are those whose psychic ability is suddenly awaken by strong emotions or near-death experience.
Psychics are people with great mental abilities beyond the use of the five senses; clairvoyance / telepathy, psychic reading, cold reading, dream interpretation, palm reading, astrological reading and tarot card reading are just some of the abilities of psychics.
Have you ever had the feeling that a spirit is present near you, or have seen one? The ability to transfer and receive information through you mind – other than the five senses. Seeing a person for the first time and in that instance you already know if the relationship between the two of you is a success or a failure. Being able to read and interpret a tarot card. Or perhaps, dreams that comes true…
UNDERSTANDING. In order to develop your psychic ability, you must first understand its importance and purpose, having psychic powers also holds responsibilities. Becoming a psychic means that you allow your mind and body to grow spiritually, and set your goal into helping others. Know that having a psychic ability is never to be abused.
PATIENCE. Whether if you’re a natural born with psychic powers or not, you will only be able to develop your psychic ability in time, so don’t rush, the spirits will guide you through your journey. It is best to find a psychic group in your community or online to guide you, books and journals of