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arrive home, secure the first photograph of yourself that was taken at least 8 years ago. What are you doing, where are you at and who is with you? What did you have to eat today? Where did it come from? Note the circumstances surrounding the ‘food event’. Look in your wallet. Count the change you have. Write the exact amount down.

From this assortment of words: choose three:

Nuts, tea, wrapper, feet, cellophane, pen, fan, feather, bicycle, leaves, antennae, speakers, daytime, moon, level, wet, car, kiss, blizzard, matron, celebrate, inches, tailspin, negotiable, ram sack door, bed, warehouse, bacon, baby, surprise, delegate, romper room, satisfy, movie, rain, daily ,running, motor cycle, wind ,mixer blades, promise, selection

Turn on the television after having completed the list of words. Write down the subject of the first commercial that shows up. Call a friend. Ask him or her IF they could go anywhere in the world this moment all expenses paid where it would be. Go find the first book in your house that jumps out at you. Turn to page 67 go 11 lines down and read the sentence, broken or not, it does not matter. Next, when you go to your computer and pull up the internet, find the 7th news story. What happened? Where did the event occur? It will unfold a forgotten inert secret.

Take some time to relax, no distractions. When you are able to get quiet, recall the time when you were 12 years old. What is the first place that comes to mind? Next, name the school where you attended in the 7th grade. Who was your teacher? What did you like or dislike about her? On this day, (today) what is the name of the snack you got for yourself after the hour of seven o’clock? Why do you choose that particular snack? If you have a

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