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child, write the next 6 words he/she says to you. If not, write the next 6 words spoken, period.

You are now at a place in your artistic theme that reveals a spectacular clue of momentous measure. Do not overlook this one phrase. Whoever is your mother or mother figure has/had an impossible dream. Try to get her to reveal it to you. This dream must be something that is totally out of the realm of possibility of ever being able to come to pass. Note whatever is relayed.

Before retiring to bed, a photograph on the wall or painting will shed light on a matter of weighted significance. The color orange will bear witness to its connected relevance. When is the last time you had a glass of win, beer or a mixed drink? Note the place and circumstance. What color clothes did you wear today? How old do you feel? Take a picture of yourself this moment. Either you’re your cell phone or camera; matters not with which. Do not look at it until one week from today. Before retiring to bed, find the first object that is purple. Where is it?

How sexual do you feel tonight? Note the intensity on a scale of 1 to 20. Write down the number. [Before going to bed turn on some music from the radio.] What is the first song you hear? Note its message. When you close your eyes, what is the image you see? Pay very close attention to the dreams you have on this night. IF you awake try to remember any part of the dream. Do not interpret it! What date is it when you get up the following morning? How is that date relevant to you? Who is born on that date, married, died, (not necessarily the same month)? Today you will not think of the events of the previous day in any manner whatsoever. After one week has passed you will assemble the notes you made and place

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