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play this clip on your site go to Free sign up to the magickal TV webseries broadcasting online now – go with us to Ancient Egypt and see how enchanted perfumes and bewitching love potions were formulated by the Egyptian Queen’s and Pharoahs for both medicine and magic spells. Hosted by renowned magickal teachers. More episodes available including affiliate revenue opportunities, go to www.Wicca.TV

21 Responses to Ancient Spells of Egypt – TV ep 4

  • gun844 says:

    wicca….bullshit.Magic never existed.
    Drove something on your caves wall…shaman.
    Not a big present that you guys are died out.
    Not the magic what is do the marvels.
    can you make a magical fire ball?Or magical food?Or storm?can you walk the planes the galaxy?No.So your magic is useless.goodbye

  • KemeticFaery says:

    Love this! I love everything about the Ancient Egypt, especially its magick and spirituality. I’d travel to Africa to visit Egypt every year if I could because its such a spiritual place. Five stars, and blessed be )O(

  • KemeticFaery says:

    Thanks for posting this. The ancient spellwork of the Kemetic (Egyptian) people has a definite impact on the ancient magick practiced by many African, Middle Eastern, and European pagans. Being one of the oldest African civilizations its interesting to see how its influences in non-traditional spirituality can still be felt the world over. Blessed Be )O(

  • billias1gr says:

    Vid is nice, but according to my humble opinion Egyptian priests hadn’t simple spells but very elaborate rituals and symbolism involved and that is why Theosophists and others categorized them in the Purple Ray, the Ray of high ceremonial Magick in contrast to the Green ray, the ray of those who loved nature such as the Druids etc. You can’t easily work with nature when there is only the sand of the desert around you and you just invoke the water of the Nile to come.

  • chrishayden82 says:

    this isnt the whole video :0

  • darkerhalf92 says:

    Im just an Italian Wiccan but i learn from other countries what they have for me!!!

  • Hekatos89 says:

    There is an egyptian Tradition within Wicca?
    Wow, i didnt know that. Are you follower of egyptian Religion or Wiccan, or are you part of an modern no-traditional Wicca-Tradition?

  • SelfEsteem1988 says:

    I actually am an Egyptian wiccan

  • kainezee says:

    another religion is it,
    another bondage it is.

  • crystal9977 says:

    I really like this video i love learning about religion and spells!

  • halcyonlurker says:

    Is that Fiona Horne’s voice?

  • mexican613 says:

    anybody know where i can find out how to do a wish spell?

  • Merytsetesh says:

    100,000 roses seems like a lot, but the amount of rose petals it takes to get any decent amount of rose essential oil is huge, around 60,000 roses for just one ounce. Egyptian oils in that time, however, were not true essential oils. Instead, they would soak the plant material in the oil, so I imagine Cleopatra got MUCH more than 10 ounces. 🙂

  • sylvanase says:

    Thank you for posting! =D

  • amphotep says:

    have you seen the movie PERFUME? check it out. a must see.

  • smalllady1216 says:

    Very Bewitching!

  • Gnostic2030 says:

    hello this Gnostic2030, May Isis Bless all, This Video is Short but Cool,Magic 101 Magic is like Chi an engery if you will and a pace of the souls of all living things.

  • FaerieCrone says:

    Thank you for this wonderful video. Blessings.

  • Madisonmofo says:

    I love how she romanticizes slavery….bewitching.

  • PalAlGonz says:

    Awesome and careful filming! Wouldn’t wanna get on your bad side though! 🙂

  • Ganymed says:

    Oh wow, if you could know how much I love parfumes and body care… the old egyptian way of Magick is very interesting, because it seems to be very much connected with Holy Smokes and Oils. I love it!

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