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dedication, and his commitment to the demanding rigours of an Amazonian shaman.It is fair to say that everybody who has worked with Javier has been touched by his kindness, compassion , humour, and spirit

Leoncio Garcia The Shipibo maestro is now in his mid 70’s with the appearance of a man in his 50’s. He was born in the Shipibo community of San Francisco by Yarina Cocha (an oxbow lake near Pucullpa). On a number of occasions he has worked with medical doctors in various cities in Peru. Don Leoncio also founded a healing centre near Nina Rumi on the Rio Nanay.

Benjamin Ochavano Is a traditional Shipibo (elder shaman). He is in his late seventies. His chants (icaros) sung in the Shipibo language are extraordinary, beautiful and powerful.


In 2008 we will be holding two Retreat programmes, our dates are;

Retreat Programme 1.

March 8th – 14th incl. – San Pedro, Coca , and the Spiritual Traditions of the Andes.

March 15th – 29th incl. – Amazon Retreat, Ayahuasca, and Plant Spirit Medicines.

Retreat Programme 2.

July 19th – August 2nd incl. – Amazon Retreat, Ayahuasca, and Plant Spirit Medicines.

August 3rd – 9th incl. – Optional Extension week.

Howard G. Charing, is an international workshop leader on shamanism. He has worked some of the most respected and extraordinary shamans & healers in the Andes, the Amazon Rainforest, and the Philippines. He organises specialist retreats to the Amazon Rainforest. He is the author of the best selling book, Plant Spirit Shamanism.

Visit the website for info about our Andean & Amazon Ayahuasca Retreats

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