KathyPinna.com Angel Meditation is a spiritual / metaphysical series of affirmations and pictures that encourage self-empowerment and universal grace. A wondrous aid to meditation by Kathy Pinna.
“Who is Telling the Truth?” “Top Online Business Opportunities” www.myspace.com www.davidlocicero.blogspot.com 631-879-2079 “Are You Ready for The Truth?” What is success? “How does our thought process affect us?” “WHY PEOPLE FAIL ONLINE?” “WHY PEOPLE FAIL OFFLINE” How to use your thoughts to create your reality, “What do they mean when they say your thoughts create your reality?” How to change your thinking and why. What you can do. What you can do while in prison. What can you do after serving prison time? “WHAT OPPORTUNITIES ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE FOR MAKING MONEY?” “where to start in creating an online business” HOW TO BEGIN AN ONLINE BUSINESS. WHY START AN ONLINE BUSINESS? “WHERE CAN YOU FIND HELP ON LINE?” HOW TO AVOID ONLINE SCAMS WHAT ARE LEGITIMATE ON LINE BUSINESSES Avoiding online scams or frauds. self blame doubt blame responsibility current situation prison reverse thought process intention desire motivation inspiration action belief determination reality intent money success financial http why people fail online offline businesses success thought process reality truth scams fraud davidlocicero life coaching support spiritual Miracles wisdom accountability inspiration motivation challenges healing metaphysics meditation E-COURSE metaphysical Universal Laws Law of Attraction communication emopowerment love 631-879-2079 www.davidlocicero.blogspot.com Video Rating: 4 / 5
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only happen if I practice what you are saying very action that I take has a influence I am the maker of that dream for myself the only thing that will hold me back is myself not outward circumstances every one that told me I was never good enough or that would never happen or your nuts flat out lied to me they get off on belittling other people to hide the fact that they are unhappy that they dont like there lives everybody does it
James Devlin
These things also happened to me under being in also very dire circumstances and knowing what I wanted to do with my life. Not to be tied to some job or girl or stuff those things do make me happy but there not the primary aim the things that you are doing is almost identical to the same things that I am just starting and they will
about here is freedom of self to create a inward and external life free from doubt negative people negative things control your thoughts to obtain the objective
David my name is James Devlin this is totally unbelievable I just saw two of your videos and this is absolutely crazy I am just starting this myself from the same background and I am not talking about money and stuff those are tools a means to end something only to create your vision your dream although I am applying the same type of techniques as far as to make money but what were really talking
Great philosophy. It’s taken me almost half a century to realise this also. The world really is your oyster if you look at it in the right way. Best wishes to you.
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Hi WhoIsDavidLocicero
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Cheers to your success.
Mark McCulloch
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Hey great video,
just surfing through you tube and saw your video looks like we are in the same field. Stop by my website I’m giving away a ton of marketing software.
Good Luck and keep em coming
Dave just keep working, make these Great videos WE know and you know you
are Great. COME ON Dave
Go for it Dave!
You deserve the best of everything.
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Nice video i liked it
and I would also like to add that you can make money also from what your allready doing. Just being online, You can make thousands of dollars with it. It’s 100% Free. Check out my profile. Thanks
Hey David, just want to say it’s great to see someone turn their life around from a negative situation into a positive one.
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great video, profound words indeed!
only happen if I practice what you are saying very action that I take has a influence I am the maker of that dream for myself the only thing that will hold me back is myself not outward circumstances every one that told me I was never good enough or that would never happen or your nuts flat out lied to me they get off on belittling other people to hide the fact that they are unhappy that they dont like there lives everybody does it
James Devlin
These things also happened to me under being in also very dire circumstances and knowing what I wanted to do with my life. Not to be tied to some job or girl or stuff those things do make me happy but there not the primary aim the things that you are doing is almost identical to the same things that I am just starting and they will
about here is freedom of self to create a inward and external life free from doubt negative people negative things control your thoughts to obtain the objective
David my name is James Devlin this is totally unbelievable I just saw two of your videos and this is absolutely crazy I am just starting this myself from the same background and I am not talking about money and stuff those are tools a means to end something only to create your vision your dream although I am applying the same type of techniques as far as to make money but what were really talking
Great philosophy. It’s taken me almost half a century to realise this also. The world really is your oyster if you look at it in the right way. Best wishes to you.
great video, honest people that are not afraid to share like you do in this video are hard to come by.