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will disappear when you use it, also every combat action will cost more stamina! But you will get more XP for each kill. Maybe you should wait till your stamina is full before going out again. Also the potion will only work for a short time. Come back when you are more formidable and I’ll tell you where the Goblins skulk’ (Gain 10 XP + Stinking Rat Brew)

After your wanderings you struggle back to the Ranger Tower, the acrid tang of the Stinking Rat Potion still in your mouth. Inside, the Ranger offers you a hearty greeting. ‘So you have returned with your sword dulled by death, still want to find those Goblins?’

He smiles, ‘They are to the north east of here, just before the forest edge. You will find your Goblin’s there, that particular tribe has a Lesser Goblin Shaman. The Shamans wield magic power so be careful, they also use nasty fetishes to concentrate their power. Return to your Scholar in the Trader Outpost once you have slain the Lesser Goblin Shaman, he will be most interested in the news.’ (Gain 30 XP)

The Scholar sits bolt upright on his trunk searching for you. When he sees you he claps his hands excitedly. ‘Have you killed the Goblin Shaman?’

Relief washes over the Scholar’s face, ‘With the Shaman dead the power of the fetish will recede, with the description of an elongated skull used in the fetish I postulate that the Shaman was drawing the rats into the Native Camp to drive them off without drawing attention to themselves! Where are you going now? You can try Snow Forest East which is north-west of the Ranger Tower, or back through to the Misty Mountains and visit Krul Beach. Well done, I can continue my research now I think.’ And with that he jumps off the trunk and hurries away. (Gain 225 XP)

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