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aint no 5% no more….confirmation, affirmation, motivation for th 1%….fuck religion (yeah i said it), stay out of groups (taking only the information they have to offer), you must surpass that and continue to elevate and vibrate on higher level….stay in a religion or group and you will be stuck like chuck…take note on the books that he speaks of and add them to your library…i also recommend the OXFORD dictionary collection as per Dr. Yaffa Bey….Viiew “Piercing the Fog” uploaded by tehutiblack….also, for the end part of the vid, view alexyssktylor vids on metaphysical sex…

aint no 5% no more….confirmation, affirmation, motivation for th 1%….fuck religion (yeah i said it), stay out of groups (taking only the information they have to offer), you must surpass that and continue to elevate and vibrate on higher level….stay in a religion or group and you will be stuck like chuck…take note on the books that he speaks of and add them to your library…i also recommend the OXFORD dictionary collection as per Dr. Yaffa Bey….Viiew “Piercing the Fog” uploaded by tehutiblack…also, for the end part of the vid, view alexyssktylor on metaphysical sex….
Video Rating: 5 / 5


  • neteraset9 says:

    Yes-we are going to a 4th dimensional and beyond reality-looking 4ward to what is coming. We’ve been there, done that with building great ancient civilizations in this realm anyhow.

  • zuzuxwater says:

    Bobby hemmett, has a great!! sense of humor,great teacher.Much love.Hotep!!!!

  • 7AjpuuAhau says:

    Soylent Green….

  • estellelight says:

    The Signal is very violent as each of the people respond to signals from the TV to think and react according to information. The people in the movie we responding on cue to signals from TV frequencies. Very graphic killings.

  • hustlevilleent12 says:

    dont have a tv…fu*k tv

  • moormagic1 says:

    In Chester, Pa. this black city was under martial law because 4 ppl had been randomly shot. My ? is who is the shooter because they never have any suspects. I don’t watch or read the news, but when I hear about it & I notice there was no motive for the killing & they never find the suspect. My ? is who is doing the random shooting? They sure can find a “suspect” when a cop gets shot. I live in the hood & I don’t see crime nor am I scared because I don’t watch the news. I don’t feed into it.

  • moormagic1 says:

    Recently in the news it was reported that a black man from Connecticut “just snapped” & killed his co-workers. He was accused of stealing beer so they fired him. However, this man was considered a hard-working man who was not violent. Then he took his own life. How many similar stories have we heard just like this? A person who has no record of non-violence, suddenly goes berserk kills people then kills himself.

  • wordsthatmanifest says:

    The Signal(Movie)2007 . It Only Manipulates People Who Are Vernerable Or Not Conscience…For Those Who Are Beyond This It Heightens Your Mutating Melinin…Everthing Known And Unknown Is In The Inside Melinin(Carbon, Occultum, Christos Melinos, Dark Matter, Etc.)…The More I Get Zap The More What’s Destined Anyway Speeds Up. If People Can Get Beyond What Somebody Is Doing(…Even Your Mate)They Will Realize That Nothing Can Harm You But You…The World Is Waitn On U If You Really R “U”

  • RwKhuti says:

    does this signal disturb meditation?

  • Modacolorist says:

    @Amunet369 LOL, I play my vhs & dvd from my pc.

  • AmericaHasToGo says:

    @Modacolorist That’s right sis! We don’t need no idiot box!

  • Amunet369 says:

    @Modacolorist me neither! i still have the old tube from 2002 for my dvds….

  • Modacolorist says:

    I don’t have a tv and I am not getting one. Fuck them and their boxes!

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